Antonio looked deep in thought. "How about we find out?"


One of Antonio's men opened the door and helped me out of the car. Bowing his head curtly, he hurried away like he was scared of me, and moved to stand behind me.

"Antonio, do we really have to attend this party?!" I asked him, trying to straighten the dress we had gone shopping for earlier, behind me.

He came up beside me and took my hand in his. "Amore. Why not?"

"Say that word one more time and I swear I'll puke my guts out on your face. Are you sure we're here to find out about Conner?"

"No. We're here attend a party. Hundreds of gangsters are here so I'll need you to behave, Isabel?"

"By behave, you mean not killing anyone?"

"Good thing you're still the smart Isabel I remember." I grinned and tilted my head to look at him. "I'm serious, Belle."

I groaned. "Fine. I'll behave. Only if the dudes promise to mind their business."

"They will. Shall we?"

"Of course."

As we stepped in, I felt gazes starked on us. Like damn, who's that cute couple?

"You didn't tell me that it was a grand party." I whispered as Antonio tightened his hold on me.

"Why?" Amusement graced his voice. "Planning on running backstage?"

"For a moment, I thought you weren't my brother. Now I'm certain."

"Good. And I got a job for you."

"What's that?"

"That man over there," he pointed to two men discussing with champagne flutes in their grips. Although, I couldn't see their faces. "The one with gray hair,"

I nodded.

"I need to you to buy what they're discussing right now. I've put a million dollars in your account. Buy it. Any amount."

"Antonio, are you crazy?! I just got here and you want me to just buy what those two fuckers are talking about?"

"Are you buying or not?"

"As long as I get to keep the change. And how on earth did you get my account number?!"

He didn't get the chance to answer that before two men came up to him and whirled him away.

"I need you buy what they're discussing right now." I mimicked the tone Antonio used earlier. Didn't they tell him I was my own boss?

I picked a champagne flute from one of the trays, a waiter was carrying and stalked for both men. I couldn't see the other guy's face but I guess he was younger than the man with grey hair cos his own hair was slick and black.

"Scusatemi, signori--" (excuse me, gentlemen). My breath caught in my throat when I saw the face of the other guy.

Shayne motherfucking Walker.

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