Chapter 6 - The life of the party

Start from the beginning

“Hi Kameron”

“Hi Laysha, you look beautiful tonight”

“Thank you and congrats nice party”

“You know that no party starts until you arrive”

“The party already started without me”

“It’s reaching the climax”

“Glad I didn’t miss it”

Some girls started to call me and she noticed and immediately looked sad

“I think you should go”

We both set our ways looking sad. She went to the sweet table and stuffed some chocolate in her mouth. I liked it because she didn’t act fake she was herself. Laysha was on a diet because she only ate that and didn’t eat anything else. I go over to where the girls are calling. They congratulate me for the party and start taking selfies with me. I am photogenic and girls will always take the first chance to take pictures with me. Laysha is in the distance looking at me. Whenever I look she pivots her head. She bites her lip at me. Nash goes up to her. Right now I am in the distance attending guests yet every once in a while I look over to her. Nash fiercely takes her and pushes against the wall. He whispers in her ear and even from this distance I can notice how uncomfortable and afraid she is. She is trying to leave but he won’t let her. Just like a hero I go up to him.

“Dude let her go” He gives that look that says don’t ruin this please I will owe you 100 favors if you don’t ruin this please don’t do this. I don’t care how important this moment is to him. Laysha means more to me than him. He has to learn how to treat women and I will lecture him about this. I think he is doing this to defy him he knew she was the golden guest the reason of the party. He is trying to take my very well earned and hard worked spot but I am nowhere close to letting him. In between his teeth he said

“Okay” He threw her on top of me creating an extremely awkward moment. She is really warm and her touch feels nice. She pushes herself of me and looks relieved that she was finally set free from Nash. 

“Thanks Kameron I owe a real big one”

“You needed to be saved from Nash. Why don’t you pay me back that big one with this one piece?”

“It would be lovely”

“Shall I have this dance”

“Yes you shall”

I leaded her to the dance floor. Danceable music was playing. I could feel the beats of the music. My heartbeat matched the music. She took my hand and pulled me close to her and started dancing leaving me pretty lost. When I finally catch up to her we are in the climax of the song. I twirl her around and walk her and I bring her up to my chest. I throw her down and then bring her up again. We are dancing improvise and we are living it. We are living the dance. It had been a while since I had enjoyed dancing so much. I had never danced like this. I fell in love with dancing like this. I don’t know if I fell in love with Laysha but I fell in love with the way she danced. The way the energy flew around her. I want to never stop but tiredness is pretty big. The rest of my invitees applauded and I kissed her cheek and they reddened.  Right after that dance we left the dance floor and went inside and fell simultaneously on the couch. She didn’t take this moment to fall on my shoulder. She set the distance on a friendly level but that dance wasn’t on a friendly level. Feelings rained for her. I was having a hard time not kissing her. I knew that she learned how to dance from Vance. I knew that I would find a male copy of her in Vance with a few major differences that didn’t really matter to me. 

“Wow I dint know you danced boy”


“You dance really well”

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