"I'll have...ooohhh." My words were cut off by another tight pressure, making me grab onto the counter tightly as I waited for it to pass. Oh-kay, this one is bad, like pretty bad. It's nothing though, I still have a few days. Danny will be here tomorrow.

Stiles put his hand on my back, "Tori, are you okay?" I nodded, squeezing my eyes shut as I waited for the pain to pass. As soon as it was gone, though, I felt completely fine. I stood up straight and sighed, it can't be labor. I'm pretty sure labor is constant pain, this isn't constant.

"Okay, that one looked bad, maybe I should call--" I cut him off, "no need, we should go for a walk, yeah, a walk is supposed to help. Let me just grab my coat and we can go, okay?" I didn't let him reply as I quickly waddled to my room, grabbing my coat quickly.

I looked like a hobo. I was wearing grey sweats and a oversized maroon hoodie, that somehow still hugged my stomach. My hair was pilled on top of my head in a messy nest of brown kinks, and I was wearing these weird slides, they were the only thing that fit my feet.

With a sigh I went out to the living room to find Stiles waiting for me by the door, a nervous glint to his eyes. I rose a brow but, decided to ignore it. He's up to something, but I really don't care to investigate. I need to focus on walking, yes, I need to walk to get rid of the braxton thingies so I can have a relaxing night with my twin brother.

We stepped outside and the chilly February air nipped at my nose, the sun was shining but it did nothing to beat off the chill. I loved winter. "So, how're things on the Malia front?" I asked once we started walking. Someone had to break the silence.

Stiles sighed, "she's upset. I fucked up, Tori. Like, I think I really fucked up this time." I frowned and grabbed his hand in mine, giving it a squeeze before letting go. "It'll be okay, Stiles. Everything will work out the way its meant to be. I mean, sure Malia is pissed, but, she can't stay mad forever, you were just doing what you thought was right."

"Yeah." He fell quiet again for a moment, "how're things with Scott?" I bit my lip at the question, not this. I really didn't want to talk about this. "Fine." I could feel Stiles' eyes burning into me. Sometimes I hate the fact that Stiles can always see through me, it's annoying. "Don't lie."

I rolled my eyes, "what do you want me to say? That it fucking sucks? That I can't sleep because I miss him? That I cry when I think about him too much? Or that I'm mad at him because, he couldn't keep his promise and mad at myself because I don't have enough energy to be with him anymore? It fucking sucks, Stiles."

Tears were rolling down my face by that time and we had stopped walking. My brother sighed before gathering me in his arms, holding me close to him. I sniffled, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly. "I miss him..."

It was true, I missed him so fucking much that it hurt, but what was I supposed to do? I don't know what to do. I'm so lost and so scared. "He missed you too, Tori. Maybe you should talk to him, I'm sure you guys can work it out."

The pain came back, this time it was radiating through my crotch and oh my god that hurt. I dug my nails into Stiles' back and felt myself gasp in pain, my eyes tightly shut and I felt like I couldn't breath. Oh god this hurt.

Stiles took a step back, looking at me worriedly, but once again, the pain disappeared with no evidence left behind. I took a breath, smiling slightly. "I'm fine, lets keep walking."


Another pain hit me on our way back to the house, this one lasted a little longer than the other three. "A bath, warm water is supposed to help with the braxton hicks." I said, nodding along with my words. Stiles was panicking, trying to convince me that we should call someone, but I assured him that I was fine.

"I'll go put on my swim suit, you go run me a bath, okay?" I spoke calmly, smiling at my brother as I walked to my room. Stiles was grumbling incoherently behind me as he walked through to my bathroom, shutting the door behind him so I had privacy to change.

I heard the water turn on as I pulled out the old bikini, I was sure that the top would barely fit, but I hoped the bottoms would go on okay. I sat on my bed after I was dressed in the slightly small bikini.

What if this was it? What if it was go time? I looked down at my stomach and felt a wave of panic before shaking my head and laughing at myself, no. It's not time. I'm not ready yet, I still have awhile.

With that thought in mind, I went into the bathroom to find Stiles seated on the toilet seat, phone in hand. I smiled at him before getting in the tub, with the help of my brother of course. The warm water wrapped around me in a comforting embrace and I felt safe.

"How would you rate your pain on a scale of one to ten?" Stiles asked after a moment, making me open my eyes in question. "Are you WebMDing me right now?" I laughed slightly, unable to believe what he was doing.

Stiles shook his head, "I looked up signs of labor, and Victoria, I think we should call Scott. He should be here for this." I rolled my eyes, sinking back in the tub, "do what you want, but I'm not in labor Stiles. I can't be!"

My brother sighed before holding the phone up to his ear, no doubt calling Scott. "Scott, I think Victoria is in labor, you should probably get over here... yeah..." I rolled my eyes, calling to the phone, knowing Scott could hear me, "you're wasting your time, Scott, I'm not in--" my voice was cut off by another pain.

"Agh," I groaned uncomfortably as the tightness returned, my hand gripped the side of the the tub tightly as I waited for the pain to pass. Oh god, let it pass. I felt a hand on my back followed by Stiles' voice, "Scott's on his way. Just, idunno, breathe? Yeah, just breathe."

I took his advice, taking a deep breath in, then out, then in... and it was gone. I sighed in relief before sitting up straighter. "Help me out? I don't wanna sit her anymore," I pouted, starting to feel uncomfortable.

Stiles nodded, helping me get out of the tub and leading me into my room. "I'll leave you to get dressed." I nodded and sent him a smile. I quickly put on a pair of my grey leggings, a black t-shirt, and a pair of comfy socks. I pulled my hair back messily, not really caring what it looked like and I made my way to the kitchen. I was feeling kinda hungry.

Scott and Stiles were in the kitchen, both looking like they were panicking. I rolled my eyes, walking past them to the fridge. Of course there was nothing that looked good in there, I wanted my thai food.

"Hey Stiles, will you order in the thai food? I'm starving." My brother nodded, looking between Scott and I before leaving with the phone. Scott looked at me worriedly. I sighed, "Scott, I'm fine. It's nothing."

Scott looked unsure, "are you sure? Stiles said--" I cut off Scott, "and what does Stiles know about labor? He just googled it like fifteen minutes ago. I'm fine, Scott. Really. I would know if I was going into labor, I'm sure you get a feeling or something..."

I spoke too soon. I could feel liquid seep down my leg and my eyes went wide, "okay, so I just peed myself or, I think I might be in labor."

A/N: AHHH!! They're almost here!! I hope this chapter isn't shit, I kinda just sat down and wrote it... I didn't proof read or anything, I'm just getting it out there. Let me know what you guys think!!

Vote, Comment, etc. Until next time-- XOXO

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