Part 8

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We wake up before any of them are up and leave. I found out something about Damien, he can jump. REALLY high. I also realise I AM slowing him down. It's weird he's never complained about it. 

He lifts me up and puts me over his shoulder, his seemingly favourite way of carrying me around. He leaps from roof to roof. After a while I start to feel a bit nauseous. 

"Wait!" I call out, "I need a break." 

He stops and puts me down, "You okay?" He asks looking concerned. 

"Yeah I've just got a bit of a headache, give me a minute." I say and he nods. I sit on the edge of the building dangling my feet out into thin air, he sits next to me and I ask, "If you fell from this height would you die?"

"No." He says firmly, "But you would."

I nod and sigh, "I know..."

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I dunno I was just thinking. What happens once you kill him?" I ask.

"Not sure." He says, "I'll probably go back into hiding if I can."

"What are they going to do with the land?" I ask, I think we've had this conversation but I'm still wondering some stuff. 

"They're going to preserve it." He answers.

"But what does that entail?" I question.

He sighs and says, "They'll probably just leave it alone, maybe train soldiers there, they don't want to touch the nature of it though. Or the castle, they'll probably make that a meeting place for the different kingdoms."

"Castle?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah the diamond castle, they made it with TONS of windows made out of Diamonds to view the lands with. It was a huge castle which held all 15 of them with ease." He says, "Are you ready to go yet?"

I nod and he picks me up again and keeps going. The buildings get less and less tall and it starts to get darker, the sky turns pink and purple as the sun sets. He puts me down and we climb down the ladder of a building. It starts to drizzle. 

"We're gonna sleep in the woods tonight, ok?" He asks and I nod pulling my hood up to try and prevent me from getting soaked. We get into a good part of the woods where the trees block off a fair bit of the rain but the rain's getting hander. 

I watch in awe as Damien builds a shelter from the rain. 

"It's not the most comfortable but it works." He says and I crawl under the shelter and lie down next to him. We lie there silently, it's still early and he pulls out some bread for me to eat as dinner.

"Where are we going to be tomorrow?" I ask.

"The Mountains of monsters," He says, "We're more likely to die there than we are to die killing Castiel."

"Well it sounds like a party to me." I say sarcastically. 

He smiles softly at me, I think it's the first time I've seen him smile. It isn't very obvious but you can see it in his eyes, "If this is our last night together then I want you to know I care about you, more than I thought I would." He says softly kissing my forehead, "Now get some sleep, tomorrow's a big day."

I roll over and he wraps one of his big strong arms around my waist keeping me warm and comfortable from the raging storm around us. 

I close my eyes and try to sleep, I remember once when I was young I had run out of the orphanage crying because the cook hit me. I was only 5 at the time. I ran into an alleyway where some old men were smoking. I thought they'd help me get back because I had gotten lost, instead they laughed at me and started pushing me around, they tried to drag me back to one of their houses. I remember crying my eyes out as they dragged me up the stairs of their apartment building. But then this woman stepped into the stairwell. She saw what was happening and jumped into action. She was Akeirie but I didn't mind, I was always told to hate the Akeirie and that they all wanted us dead. She wasn't like what they taught us, she beat them up then gave me a big hug and walked me home. 

I never saw her again but I wonder if I'd be very different if she didn't show up that night. I never ran away again after that. I was too scared. I still saw those men around but they never bothered me after that. 

Shifting in my spot I close my eyes and actually try to fall asleep, feeling tired even though I barely walked all day.

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