Part 4

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"Wake up." I hear his voice say.

I groan tired still and sore from yesterday. He's throwing his shirt on and I can't help but glance at the scars. I get up and get dressed in the same clothes as yesterday. He puts his sword over his shoulder. 

"Why does no one find it suspicious you carrying around a huge sword?" I ask buttoning my skirt up.

"Because I'm a big male, they assume I work in the armed forces." He says, "I'm the Night Court they're a bit stricter on keeping civilians safe."

"So why do you want to kill one of their main leaders then?" I ask, "If it's a better place than here why don't you just try to clear your name?"

He looks at me and says, "It runs deeper than just hate, he had my Father killed."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because my Father killed his Father." He says.

I blink a few times and ask, "Why'd he do that?"

"Because his Father did, and so one and so forth, it's been going on for thousands of years." He says.

"You really want to die just to keep that legacy?" I ask.

He presses his lips together and says, "Neither of us have children to continue it, so we'll likely be the last generation."

I shrug not questioning it too much, although it did give me a lot to think about as we walked to the docks. Why doesn't he just end it rather than killing him? Who started it? Why did they kill one of them in the first place? Have they seriously never tried to end it? Is that all the 'Hendrix's' and 'Whitethorns' plan to do with their lives? Plot to kill the other? Well I guess the Whitethorns are royalty but what do the Hendrix's do to make money. Damien always has plenty of money on his. If he has plenty of money why doesn't he buy new clothes?

So many questions buzzed around my head. 

"Why don't you get new clothes?" I ask. He glances at me but doesn't respond, "Well I've seen it, you've got money, and that sword must have been expensive."

"I didn't buy this sword," He says, "And I will eventually, I just haven't come across a place to get some. I have a place I'll get some once we're across the ocean."

"Okay." I say, scrunching my nose up, "Sorry for being nosy, I know it's annoying."

He doesn't comment. 

It takes a few hours but we get there at a more reasonable time than yesterday, lucky because my muscles are killing me. He pulls his hair in front of his face doing actually a pretty good job of hiding the scar.

"Two tickets to The Night Court please." I say to the person working at the station.

"The next boat leaves in half an hour, it's a 14 hour boat ride, please do not swap or move seats during the ride. Make sure to go through the security on the other side. Can I please get names?" He asks in a melancholy way.

"Lily and David Anderson." I say smoothly. 

We pay for the tickets and sit down in our seats. The boat is pretty empty. Not to many people aboard but enough that we'll be able to sneak away from security. I lean against his firm chest and dose off. 

It's late in the afternoon and the sun is setting when I wake up.

"You slept for ages." He says, he passes me a sandwich, "You hungry?"

I smile at him, he's softening up a bit. Even if his face never shows it his eyes do, "Thank you." I say eating the sandwich. I look out the window at the sea. It's so pretty. The sun slowly disappears underneath the horizon, "It's so beautiful." I say quietly.

"What is?" He asks.

"The miles and miles of nothing but water. Has anyone ever been to the bottom?" I ask.

He shakes his head and says, "No, it's to deep, you find the bottom but that's not really the bottom because it just keeps going down and down."

"Have you been under the water?" I ask.

"You mean have I been swimming in the ocean?" He asks, I nod and he says, "I swam across it." My eyes widen in shock, "Yeah, took me 27 hours and I'm a very strong swimmer."

"Jeez." I mutter shocked.

He fall asleep and I look properly at the scar on his face. It's deep and goes from the top left of his forehead down through his eyebrow and onto his cheek. It looks like whoever or whatever did it barely missed his eye. 

It looks like it definitely needed to be stitched up after it happened but wasn't properly looked after.

It's probably about midnight when we arrive. 

"Follow me." He says walking down a staircase which says staff only. We get to the bottom and he pulls open a door. There's water a few feet below us, this is clearly an exit incase we need to get off and swim. There's a bridge which Damien jumps underneath, holding onto the wooden beams supporting the dock, "Jump," He whispers, "I'll catch you."

I take a deep breath and leap forward I only manage to grab onto a beam with one arm. He quickly pulls me up to prevent me from slipping. He helps me climb forward. We get to land and walk out the side from under the dock and quickly run into the woods. Staying further enough from the road not to be seen but close enough to not get lost.

"So where are we staying?" I ask.

"At my friends." He says nonchalantly. He says a lot of things nonchalantly. 

The building are so gorgeous and neat. We walk for a while, going deeper into the woods, I'm worried he's going to murder me for a bit there. He opens up a door and climbs downwards into the darkness.

"You coming?" I hear him call from below.

I close my eyes for a moment before following him down into the pitch black place. "Where are you?" I ask not seeing a thing.

"Oh right," I hear him mutter, "Humans have bad vision."

I shriek as he lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder, "What do you think you're doing?" I ask as he starts walking as if I weigh nothing.

"I'm not guiding you through the dark." He says roughly, "Just sit tight."

I glare at him annoyed. He eventually puts me down and knocks on a door which I can't see. 

A moment later it opens and I'm blinded by the light. It makes my eyes a minute to adjust. 

"Damien." A male voice a lot more normal that Damien's weirdly deep and rough voice says, "Didn't think I'd ever see you again."

"Yeah well I got out." Damien responds coldly, "I was hoping you could give me and my... friend here a place to stay for the night."

"Of course Mate," He says, "Come in."

I step into a nice 'house' it's not really a house, it's messy and underground, but it's spacious and warm, "This is Lyra, she's accompanying me."

He raises his eyebrows at Damien smirking, Damien says harshly, "No, it's not like that, now shut up, we're both tired."

"Alright, alright." He mutters still smirking. He has two bedrooms in this place. Damien lends me his shirt to sleep in. I fall asleep quickly, feeling exhausted. 

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