Part 3

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We walk for about 8 or 9 hours and I'm so tired by the end of the day but I don't complain. It's only the first day I'm not going to complain. We stuck to a path, a few horses and chariots passed by. The forest was beautiful but it's going to get colder over the next few days. We're going up North so it's going to be even colder. 

Damie doesn't seem affected by the cold. Something dawn upon me, "You don't know my name." I say a little shocked he never asked.

"No I don't." He says blandly, clearly not caring, I give him a look and he says, "Would you like me to ask you?" 

"Yes in fact I would." I say. 

"Well, tell me, what is your name?" He says looking slightly amused even though he probably wouldn't admit it.

"Lyra Anderson." I say.

"Lyra, huh, pretty uncommon, humans usually have very basic names." He says, "Why did your parents name you that?"

"I'm not sure," I reply, "Never met them."

He chuckles darkly and says, "So you're an orphan, that makes sense."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask putting my hands on my hips.

He glances at me and rolls his eyes at my pathetic attempt to seem tough, "That's why you were so happy to throw away your life, you're an orphan."

I frown and stay quiet. I notice him subtly glancing at me every now and again. 

Maybe he's right. Maybe that's why I wanted to come so bad, I just hated that town, the orphanage especially, I hated the people there and what they put me through, there was never enough food and people would always fight to get it so it was very rare I ever got any food because I'm short and didn't want to hurt people. I got bullied a lot there, by the kids and the people who worked there, although the teachers and staff were more abusive than bullies.

"Tomorrow we'll get to the dock, there's a town not to far off our path which we can sleep at tonight. There's an Inn there." He says. 

I nod and ask, "So how're we getting on the dock?"

"We'll buy tickets under your name but when we get there we'll have to sneak around security because over there they'll recognise me." He says.

"How?" I ask.

He glances at me and says, "I'm the spitting image of my Father, the Hendrix's have a very bad name for ourselves."

I smile and say, "You told me your last name."

"Yeah well don't go telling people that name, we don't get a good wrap."

"Why?" I ask.

He looks at me with a look in his eye I don't recognise, "Because all the males in our family have a thing against the Night Court well it used to be the Night Kingdom, they hate us and we hate them, especially the Whitethorns."

"Do you have children?" I ask him.

"No." He says frowning at me, "I don't want any, why?"

"I was just wondering, if you die who's going to continue this legacy?" I ask.

"No one." He shrugs. We walk silently for a while. It's dark by the time we get to the inn. He says to me, "You talk to them, with your self proclaimed people skills."

I glare at him but it doesn't really hold any disdain. 

I knock on the door and it doesn't take long until a women opens the door, "Hi! What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you'd have a room for us, I know it's a bit last minute but-"

"Oh no, of course, we do have a room, you'll have to give me a minute to prepare it for you and your..." She glances at Damien not sure what our relation is.

"Husband." He fills in to my surprise. 

I stay on the ball and don't show any surprise on my face. She nods and gestures us in, behind my back I switch the ring which was on my middle finger onto my ring finger. I can just tell Damien's watching me do it. 

"Felix!" She calls into the house, "We've got guests."

A middle aged looking man walks in, "Welcome," He says smiling at us, "Please do take a seat while we get your room prepared." 

We got take a seat on the couch, their fire is on which is a nice relief from the cold. The wife rushes upstairs and Felix sits down, "So where do you come from?"

"A town south from here," I respond, "We decided to go on a little trip before settling down, just seeing where the wind takes us."

He smiles warmly and says, "Lovely, me and Miranda did that before settling down and having kids, speaking of which, do you too have any plans for kids?"

"Not at the moment." I say. I don't want kids, or at least biological ones, but it's pretty suspicious if I tell them I don't want kids. 

"Do you mind if I ask your names?" He asks.

"I'm David and this is Lily." Damien says. 

"Well it's nice to meet you." He says smiling. 

Miranda comes back downstairs and says, "The room's ready."

"Awesome," I say, "Thank you so much, sorry for the last minute notice."

"Don't worry," She says, just up stairs down the end of the hall.

We both walk up there and I shut and lock the door behind us, "Husband?" I question.

"Less suspicious." He says, "You are Lily Anderson and I am David Anderson for today and tomorrow on the boat. After that we'll have to stay hidden so it won't really matter."

"Nice of you to use my last name." I say giving him a look, "I don't know about you but I'm exhausted."

He nods and turns around putting his sword on the ground and pulling off his shirt and long pants, he has short like boxers on. His back scars are just so horrific to imagine how he got them. People always stare at his face scar but they rarely say anything because of how intimidating he is.

I pull off my blouse and skirt and pants. I have a singlet and underwear on. I get into the bed next to him. I stare up at the roof, as I get sleepier I subconsciously roll over and lay on what my head is telling me in a very firm comfortable pillow. I'm in that space between being awake and asleep so I won't even remember the arm gently places around me. 

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