I bit my lip before pulling out the pictures from my appointment, setting them on the table for him to look at. His hands fell from his hair, hitting the table with a soft thud. Scott didn't say anything, he just.... stared at the photos for awhile, not making a sound.

Scott picked up the pictures with shaking fingers, holding it closer to his face as he looked at my baby. "I know the picture doesn't look like much..." I whisper, afraid if I spoke too loud he'd break into a million pieces. "He looks kinda like a funny little alien." Scott's eyes meet mine. "It's a boy?" His voice sounded completely scared and lost.


My eyes flew open and down to my bump. They're kicking! I jumped up from the floor and ran into Stiles room, yelling his name over and over. The two boys looked freaked out as I burst through the door, calming down only when they saw the wide grin on my face.

"Guys! They're kicking!" I pressed my hand against my stomach, I couldn't feel it against my hand but, I could feel it inside of me. I looked up at the two, a bored expression was on Stiles' face but, a smile was on Scott's as he walked over to me.

"They are?" I nodded wildly. He placed his hand against my stomach for a moment, waiting, before a frown found its way onto his face. "I can't feel it."

I giggled lightly. "No, I don't think they're big enough yet. It kind of feels like butterflies, in my stomach." Scott nodded, a smile returning to his face.


I nodded and sighed as I watched all three of them get in the tubs, lowering themselves into the icy water. Scott looked up at me and I gave him a quick kiss before resting my head against his. I looked him in the eyes and but my lip.

"Incase you don't make it back. . . I just want to say—" Scott cut me off with a kiss before pulling away and nodding. "I know. But, tell me when I make it out, okay."


"Scott, are you okay?" I asked, my hand reaching up to touch his bicep. My eyes found Melissa's as we both noticed his eyes changing. "Sweetheart, come with me, right now." I watched as Melissa and Scott went around the corner, I looked to McCall and immediately decided to follow the pair.

Scott's breathing was ragged, "Let it go. Just breathe, and let it go." Melissa coached him. "I'm trying." Scott spoke, but it was obvious his teeth were protruding through his gums. He was changing. I stepped in front of him, "You said you and Stiles learned a way to control this. You find an anchor, right? Well, what's your anchor? Find it, Scott."

It was like slow motion, his eyes found mine. My heart skipped a beat in realization, I was his anchor. He calmed down slowly, taking a few breaths before he was fully himself again.


I brought my fingers up to his face, tracing the bridge of his nose softly, memorizing his features. I lightly brushed my fingers across his cheek bones, then down his crooked jawline, and across his lips. "What are you doing?" He whispered against my fingers.

"If something happens, I want to be able to remember you." I spoke truthfully, moving my fingers up to dance over his brow bone and forehead. Scott grabbed my wrist lightly, bringing my hand down. He lightly placed a kiss to my knuckles.

"Nothing will happen to me," he promised, rolling so he was facing me. Scott let go of my wrist and moved his hand to brush my brunette hair behind my ear. Before he could pull away, I grabbed the back of his hand, pressing my cheek into his rough palm. My eyes fell closed as I tried to memorize the feeling of his hand on my skin.

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