warrior girl trouble

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(Y/n) a powerful warrior of a small kingdom, this kingdom was called Narthia it was a trading kingdom ruled by a selfish king named Harold and this is where our story begins

Days grew dark with these invaders the kingdom has not seen such warriors even there females tall and strong in size and ruthless all of them coming for the head of king Harold

(Y/n) stands tall as one of the few remaining warriors alive Narthia is falling the invaders are taking over and winning but (y/n) refuses to admit defeat
(Y/n): "stand with me brothers for we die today a glorious day for Narthia for our king!"

You raise your sword looking at the hoard of warriors charging towards what stands left to protect the king and the city that's when the last of your men fall and you feel nothing now but RAGE

(Y/n) raises his greasy sword for what seems like the last time each swing filled with power filled with rage a man dies every time you swing your sword

The invaders general comes to watch you fight. A smile grows on her face as you kill her men. This general name was Evala she was one of the stronger warriors (pic below)
Evala: "this one interest me take him alive!"

You hear what she says and grit your teeth holding the grip of your sword tightly your hand bleeds(Y/n): "I will fight until I die you fool!"You swing but soon was over numbered

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You hear what she says and grit your teeth holding the grip of your sword tightly your hand bleeds
(Y/n): "I will fight until I die you fool!"
You swing but soon was over numbered

You tried to keep fighting but they soon started throwing small knifes at you these knifes had no fatal damage but did have a chemical on it that made one pass out you fall to your knees

NO this won't be it not the end not now you stab your leg that seems to wake you up a bit as you grab your weapon to swing only for Evala own blade to block it

She grins at you with a smile that reminds you of the devil. You keep swinging to no avail she blocks each of your strikes then kick you down to the floor

You struggle as she sits down on top of you straddling your lap she smirks in your face as your vision turns black the last thing you see is her face getting close to yours she kisses you deeply then whispers in your ear

"Sleep warrior your king will be killed but not you your in good hands now my hands" she head butts you and your vision goes black

Time skip

(Y/n) has failed to protect his king and now he has been taken by these strange invaders you wake up groaning you feel your on a bed a rope tied to your left wrist and the bed post the bed had no mattress but straw and bear fur

You groan and look around the room finding nothing to grab or reach but there was a chair you silently break a leg from the chair taking a sharp part of the wood from the chair you broke you cut your hand free that's when you notice everything you had was gone

Your weapons your boots your shirt the only thing you where left wearing is ragged pants you slip out of the building and into some bushes looking around you soon realize your in a village of these savages a lot of them female you not notice

You see a wall circling around the whole place except for the dock there was a big door in the wall that was the exit seeing a tower for archers you decide it might be smart to climb to get a quick vantage point

You manage to sneak your way over and climb the tower you get to the top and look around but feel a blade press into your back
???: "don't move" you nod but then suddenly spin around and kicks the blade out of your attackers hand

You see a girl she looked like a hunter as she had fur around her neck bear fur she had a knife and bow
???: "you are quite cute for a prisoner maybe I'll keep you"

You scoff and glare at her then smirk
(Y/n): "sorry not today" you attack her with a punch she grabs it but that was only a distraction you then trip her and throw her off the tower into a stack of hey (she is shown in pic below)

You scoff and glare at her then smirk (Y/n): "sorry not today" you attack her with a punch she grabs it but that was only a distraction you then trip her and throw her off the tower into a stack of hey (she is shown in pic below)

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Turns out it was a bad call as she screams and now every one in the village is approaching the bell tower you panic not knowing what to do now you can't fight them all

(To be continued)

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