The Ride

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You opened your eyes from a nightmare you were having. You wouldn't have woken up if it wouldn't be for Draco petting your head and saying your name, trying to wake you up from the clearly visible uncomfortable dream he saw you were having.

Once you opened your eyes you couldn't remember what you were dreaming about but it wasn't that important, you stared into Draco's stormy eyes and smiled.

"Are you alright luv?" he asked you, you were still laying down on his lap, and you didn't move "Yeah, I'm fine now that I'm awake, thanks," you smiled "how long did I sleep though?" you continued.

"Oh, well I think we have about an hour or so till we get there." he said, you got up and smirked at a thought popping into your mind. He was looking at you confused, he didn't know why you were smirking but something told him it was going to be great whatever it was.

You were up, standing right in front of Draco, he was still sitting normally, you then said "Since it's only an hour left, I thought we could maybe," you walked to the door to your compartment and closed the curtains so people wouldn't see in "have it for, you know, ourselves..." you were smirking standing in front of him again, looking down at his now smirking face as well.

You sat in his lap, each leg of your on one side of his now together pushed legs. You were sitting on his lap now looking a little taller. You put your hands around his neck and pulled him closer to you. 

He started kissing your neck and down your collar bone, then he came back up to your lips, you kissed him back with such passion while thinking you wouldn't see him for two weeks now. You had it all so perfect, wishing these precious moments would never stop, but unfortunately, they would.

His strong arms were around your waist, pulling you closer to his body, and you did the exact same with yours only that pulling him closer to yours.

It felt so good being so close to him, you could smell the cologne that he always wore, you could feel his soft hair while you were running your hands through it, you could feel his arms pulling your waist closer desperately, like wanting to collide with you into one. 

Every now and then you both pulled apart as you had to breathe, but didn't want to stop. Then after some time, you heard a knock on the door, you still in Draco's lap didn't want to move away nor did you mean to, it's not like you had to hide it or anything. "What is it?!" Draco half-shouted so the person outside could hear.

"We will be there in 10 minutes Draco!" Blaise shouted back, you looked at Draco with sadness in your eyes "Alright, thanks!" he shouted back at Blaise, not breaking eye contact with you.

You could hear Blaise leave, Draco then took your head in his and squeezed it softly, "Hey, it's alright, I'll see you soon, don't forget about what I told you, okay. You never know if I come to visit you remember? I can't promise you anything darling, you know that but maybe, you never know." he said, he then leaned in and kissed your lips gently, sweetly.

"Well, I really do hope that we see each other in the Holidays even if just passing by, but promise you will write to me Draco." you told him "Oh, I promise my love, every day." he answered.

You then talked a bit about everything, about after the holidays, about Christmas, the new year, where you were both spending it, and all of that. It seemed long but it was really short only 10 minutes long conversation even less than that.

Soon the train stopped, you came to London,  to platform 9 3/4. You and Draco waited for some people to leave and then he grabbed your hand again and led you out. Both of you had your bags and walked out of the train.

Once you both were outside of the train, standing on the ground he brought your hand to his lips kissing it softly, and then while still holding it tightly saying "I did not think this would've been the start of the  Winter Holidays.." you chuckled at his statement "I didn't either, but I did hope it would start something like this." you smiled at him.

Then he wrapped his arms around you, he hugged you tightly, your arms were around wrapped his neck, your face buried in his chest, eyes closed, enjoying the hug you shared.

"I'll miss you so much, my love." he said still hugging you "Ill miss you too Draco, I'll miss you so so much." you told him, raising your head from his chest to look at him.

Then you kissed him and he kissed you back, softly and sweetly but still passionately and romanticly, it lasted a few seconds.

When you both finally broke the kiss he said "I love you y/n, I love you so much." you smiled at him and said "I love you too, more than I ever thought I could." he smiled back kissing you one last time and then parting the kiss again.

"Bye my love." he said breaking the hug and walking away faced to look at you still though. "Bye, luv!" you said back walking in your own direction.

Once you couldn't see him anymore as his platinum blonde hair got lost in the crowd you turned around and went to look for your mother if she hadn't forgotten of course.

You found her soon after, "Hello mother..." you said with an emotionless expression on your face, the same you always held before you met Draco and Luna and Carly of course.

"Hello, y/n. Ok so I'd like today a few things before we apparate, I and m/b/n are working most of the time so you will be alone in the manor a lot, you do know how everything works so that isn't a problem. You will behave while you'll be alone I hope, that's pretty much it."

You nodded hiding the smile you held on inside knowing m/b/n and your mother wouldn't be there all of the time, so you could peacefully do whatever you want.

You took your mother's hand and in a second disappeared in thin air, apparating to the manor. It was already late afternoon. Once you came you went to get yourself some late lunch though it was more like an early dinner as you didn't eat anything after.

The only things you were doing were boxing, writing a letter to Draco, and then falling asleep.


Ok, ok I know I said I would try and post every day, but I couldn't do it yesterday, I did my best on posting today for yall. I hope u like it.

Also prepare urself bc things will happen more about well everything, don't wanna spoil.

Anyways, please comment your opinion and thoughts on everything, also I would love it if you'd vote but that's all up to you. 

Love you!        -N

Enchanted Beauty (Draco x reader) 18+Where stories live. Discover now