The confession/the end

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Months has passed and Semi stopped hating Shirabu.He slowly started falling deep in love with him so he decided to confess his feelings to him..

Shirabu looked in his locker and he saw a note inside..

'After school meet me by the blossom Tree'

It's all it said on the note 'Should I meet this person..I don't really feel like it but I guess' Shirabu was thinking in his head.School was about to end soon anyways,on the other hand semi was nervous about it.He kept thinking what if he says no and other things were making him overthink.Soon enough school was over...

'Now I have to meet this person but I don't really feel like it' Shirabu wasn't in the mood to do anything but he didn't want to hurt the persons feelings is he went..

Shirabu was walking to the tree and nobody was there 'Are you serious nobody is even here'Shirabu thought when he arrived.He waited about 8 minutes there before they finally showed up "Whoever you are,you made me wait"Shirabu told them when he heard someone walking "Oh im sorry" Semi replied and Shirabus eyes widen when he heard him."Semi Whyd you want to meet up?"Shirabu asked him, "Well here these are for you"Semi said and passed him white roses,'These are pretty..but Whyd he gave them to me?'Shirabu thought making a weird face."The reason why i gave you that note is because I like you Shirabu!"Semi confessed to him,Shirabus face turned red.Shirabu was out of words and didn't know what to tell him,Semi thought since he didn't say anything it was probably no "You don't gotta accept it"Semi told him "No"Shirabu said "Oh shit I didn't mean it like that but yes semi I accept your feelings"Shirabu continued.Semi smiled brightly...

And then semi died in a car crash the end

Jk jk...Shirabu and semi lived happily ever after and adopted two kids..

                       THE END💀

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