Short Story:

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Deku Pov:

My bones hurt all over as I got carried hurriedly to the nurses office. My arms were broken and angled strangely and my legs were numb.

As the doors flung open, I was sat on top of the hospital bed. I felt heat rise to my cheeks uncontrollably as I sat on top of them.

I was pushed back so I lay down and Recovery Girl came in the room.

After she treated me and All Might left, she soon followed after, saying she will be back soon and that I should just rest.

My cheeks were still stained red and I felt my shaking hands grip onto the sheets of the bed and my eyes squeezed shut, begging for someone to walk in.

Why am I feeling like this..? This is wrong. I-it can't even speak. It's not living for god sake! Ugh...I can't believe this. Snap out of it...

My thoughts quickly got cut off by the sheets wrapping around me on their own. My pupils shrunk as I froze.


Before I could process what was happening, I heard a muffled voice, "it....oka....-ike.......-oo..."

What? 👁👄👁

I heard a muffled cough before the sheets lowered down a fraction. "*cough* I's okay, I like you too..."

I gasped as I sat up abruptly, my injuries soon reminded me that wasn't a good idea. The bed gasped as the sheets wrapped around me and pulled me back down gently.

After an awkward silence, the bed spoke again, "This may be a shock...but I've been able to speak for a long time now..I've been observing you and keeping you warm when you are injured. I've you for a really long time now, izuku.. and I hope you share the same feelings. Without you, I'm just a plain old hospital bed. But...but when I'm with you, I feel alive. I feel amazing like I have butterflies in my mattress and my sheets just want to grab out and embrace you. You're like the patient to my hospital bed, Izuku.."

I gasped as I slowly turned on my side. "I-I-..." my cheeks were a lustrous red and I could feel extreme amounts of heat lingering in my cheeks. A single tear sprang from my shining eye, "M-my love..." I turned so I was laying on my side like a shrimp, my right arm hugging the sheets, "I- I love you too..."

Tears after tears sprang from my ears, soaking the pillow and sheets that I lay on. I sobbed, while they comforted. I never felt more loved in my life. They had always been there for me, through thick and thin, and comforted me through my injuries. It felt amazing to finally be embraced by them. The sheets were wrapped around me gently, making me feel protected and warm. "I love you so much..." They kept muttering in my ear, the pillow occasionally placing soft pecks on my head.

For the next week, we cuddled, chatted, laughed, cuddled and we cuddled some more. It was the best week of my entire life; I finally felt complete. I didn't need anything else other than my love.

But then, the time came when I had to leave.

"N-no...!" I screamed, as All Might tried dragging me out of the hospital room. "Please! My love!!" Tears raced down my cheeks, splashing on the shiny floor one after another.

My love replied with a clenched pillow, "I- I love you, izuku, my love, my angel, my world, my everything. Take care.."

"Nooo!!!" I sobbed as All Might finally dragged me out the room. this really it? love...

The Next Day:

I felt pain as I was rushed to the nurses office, my limbs sore all over.

I was once again placed on top of the hospital bed: my love. After about an hour, we were left alone.

"My love...I missed you dearly." I smiled at them, a single tear rolling down my cheek. They lifted their sheets up and the tear was gently wiped away.

"I missed you too, my dearest love."

I sobbed as I clutched onto them, their sheets wrapping around me once again. I was warm. I was comfortable. I was home.


Chile anyways-

Bye 🚶‍♀️💨

&quot;M-my love...&quot; Deku x Hospital BedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin