When he fights orcs alongside you

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Your POV
After what happened to me we were talking rest pretty often now. Legolas did not leave my side at all since then. He always made sure I was resting enough. We were currently taking a break for sometime beside a river. Boromir was sent to find firewood.
'We are close to Rohan, we must leave at nightfall to reach there in the morning' Aragorn said.
'Are you feeling okay my love? ' Legolas said to me, taking my hand in his.
'I AM okay Legolas, stop asking this every 2 minutes, ugh' I blurted out, clearly a bit frustrated and tired. I got up from my place and went into the forest.
'Wait y/n-' Legolas said running behind me but I stopped him and told him not to come.
As I headed further into the forest I heard voices of Frodo and Boromir.
'Give the ring to me' cried Boromir. I rushed to them and said 'stop it Boromir, the ring belongs to Frodo'. My hands gripped my dagger, the only thing I had brought with me. 'Boromir, go back. Leave Frodo alone. ' I said, my voice now stern and serious.
But Boromir didn't budge. I ran in front of Frodo and said 'Frodo stay behind me'.
'You will not lay a finger in Frodo' I said to Boromir.
'The ring. Is. Mine' he said as he ran towards me and tackeldd me to the ground. He put his hands around my neck as he started to choke me. I did have a dagger but I couldn't hurt him.
'Stop it.. HELP' I cried out weakly.

Legolas POV

'Where did Frodo go?' Asked Sam and right then we hear y/n's voice from the forest, 'Stop it, help! '
Everyone ran into the forest to see Boromir choking y/n and a frightened Frodo behind them.
'Y/n!! ' I cried before pushing away Boromir.

'WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!' i yelled and punched Boromir in the face.

'The rin..g h..has g..gotten to hi..m,' y/n said weakly holding her neck.' Take F..frodo away from here.'

Aragorn nodded and took Frodo away.

'Are you okay my love?' i said worriedly. ' i am alright Legolas, dont worry' she replied with a reassuring smile.

Boromir soon came back to his senses and as soon as he realized what he had done he said ,' Oh my god, what have I done, i tried to kill y/n, i dont deserve to be here,please forgive me y/n'.

'its alright boromir, its not your fault' y/n said. Her kindness had always amazed me.As i was smiling with her Aragorn came up running to us and yelled, ' Orcs!!! They are near!'. As soon as he said that we heard almost a hundred orcs coming our way. i took out my bow and marched forward.

Your POV


We all started fighting together. Legolas kept killing orc after orc with his arrows and Aragorn slashed them with his sword. I kept killing the orcs but i soon ran out of bows. I took out my sword and started killing them with those.
One of the orcs tackled me to the ground and said 'what's this? A woman fighting? '. Why does every orc have to say that? I took my dagger and cut off his head from his body. As I got up I saw an orc nearing behind legolas while he was fighting three others. 'Legolas! Watch out! ' I cried before taking out a dagger from my boot and throwing it to the orc. Legolas smiled at me and mouthed a thank you before starting killing more orcs. All of us fought bravely and the orcs were dead, the ones which remained fled away with merry and pipin.
'Where is Frodo' I asked Aragorn.
'I let him go, Frodo and Sam are on their own now. ' he replied.
'You could do what I could not' said Boromir with a sad voice.
'Don't beat yourself up lad, it was the ring, not you' Gimli replied.
'We NEED to get Merry and Pipin back' I said and all of them agreed.
Since then we set out for days without any rest or sleep, looking for the orcs to get back Merry and Pipin.
We reached Riddermark when we saw a large group of soldiers on horses.
'Rohan,' Aragorn said, 'home of the horse Lord.
'Riders of Rohan, what news of the Mark? ' cried out Aragorn to them. All of them turned around and completely surrounded us.
'What business does a dwarf, two men and an elf have in Riddermark' the leader said getting down from his horse.
'And a she-elf as well' he said getting very close to me.
'If you dare touch her-' Legolas said pointing his arrow towards the leader but I stopped him and said 'it's okay meleth nin, we don't want to fight'.
Aragorn them said, ' I am Aragorn son of Arathorn, this is Boromir son of the Steward of Gondor, Gimli son of Gloin, Y/n daughter of Elrond and Legolas of the Woodland Realm. We seek help and are friends of Theoden, your king'.
'My name is Eomer, our king cannot understand foe from friend anymore, that's why we were banished'.
'Did u happen to come across a pack of orcs? ' I asked.
'We did and we killed everyone. ' Eomer replied.
'But there were two hobbits, only children two your eyes, what about them? ' I asked worried.
'Dead, we left none alive, we burnt their carcasses' he said.
He then gave us three horses and rode northward with his men.
We reached where the orcs were burnt and Aragorn found out that the hobbits were alive and inside the Fangorn Forest.
Authors note
The italics are for elvish. I'm so happy 17 people have read my story. Please keep on reading and I'll keep on writing more and more. Thank you.

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