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13th june 2018,

"hey," you waved at me, telling your friends that you'll be back before you parted away from them to walk upto me. i could see their eyes shortly following from you to me, before they turned back to their conversations as if it was a completely normal occurrence.

"i have something to tell you," you said.

my heart picked up its pace at the words, and i smiled, "yeah? what it is?"

"i am dating kang jiwon."

and my heart dropped just like that. a feeling of dreadfulness spread across my entire body at the words. i felt dizzy at this new revelation.

"oh? oh— oh really? damn jaeyun, you scored a good one! i'm happy for you," i smiled so flawlessly, i doubted you'd ever notice my pain through it. and as i expected, you didn't.

you grinned, "i thought i'd tell you before you heard it from someone else. though not a lot of people know about it yet." you patted my shoulder once.

i thought that i had convinced myself that i only like your presence around me as a friend, that i only wanted you to be a friend i can cherish forever.
so i should have been feeling happy right now, right? i was finally someone you shared things with, i was finally your close friend.

so then why was i hurting to know you liked some other girl? why did my craving grow just when i got what i wanted all along?

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