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WHEN LEVI'S USUAL SCOWL faded, that's when Ella knew he was really angry. Though Sam's punch had landed, and quite hard at that, Levi hadn't moved, his face turned the other way because of the impact. Sam's cheeks were flushed as his sentences left him in a jumbled mess, but it was with a cool voice that Levi interrupted him, his head slowly turning back towards them as he brushed with his thumb over the blood that had stained his lip.

"I have so little patience," he murmured," and yet people still test me."

He cracked his knuckles then, looking over at her for a brief moment.

"Eleanora," he said," this is just a heads-up, I am going to knock your ex the fuck out and then I'll be back to ask you to be my girlfriend."

"What the -" Sam began, but without warning Levi landed a solid punch on him, causing him to grab the bannister to steady himself.

Ella raised her eyebrows at the whole spectacle, unsure whether to intervene or not. Sam had been her best friend once, before their relationship ruined their friendship, but at the same time he was simply being stupid now. She leaned against the wall as Levi passed her while dodging Sam's punch, the both of them continuing in the hallway.

The fact that she had a type was clear on how on par they fought, even if the way they moved was wildly different. Levi dodged one of Sam's punches with ease, the both of them looking ready to throw another one at the same time when Sam suddenly froze. He unclenched his fist right before he was able to land a hit, Levi stepping back as soon as he noticed.

"What are you doing?" he said.

"Your hand," Sam said, a frown on his face," you're bleeding through the bandage. I didn't notice."

Levi blinked, before carelessly glancing at his hand.

"Oh, I guess you're right." He shrugged, pushing the loose locks of his hair back with his other hand. "What about it? It isn't your business, just like me asking Eleanora anything isn't."

Fire flashed in Sam's eyes, causing him to clench his fists again. "You don't deserve her."

Ella expected Levi to roll his eyes, but something undecipherable made it's way on his face, gone a moment later as he tilted his head to the right.

"I know," he said," but who are you to decide?"

Sam seemed taken aback, but most of all angry, breathing in as he took his stance.

"I thought you said you were going to knock me out?" he taunted.

Levi didn't even bother replying, instead letting his right hook speak for him, Sam following quickly behind with a kick. Right before the two landed Ella stepped in between, pushing Sam's leg back with her hand and ducking before Levi could accidentally hit her. It didn't seem to be necessary though, as soon as they saw her both boys' eyes widened as they quickly tried to stop themself, Sam losing balance and falling as Levi practically jumped backwards.

"What the hell, Nora?" Sam exclaimed, shock and worry intertwining in his voice.

"Shut up," Levi snapped at him, eyes on her as he took her in," you didn't get hit, right?"

"I think one of you would have noticed," she replied amusedly, before adding," and either way, do you think I came in between without a plan?"

"Yes," Levi said immediately," but you would do fine with a plan or not, so it doesn't matter."

"Okay, you're slightly right," she chuckled, before grabbing his wrist," but anyway, stop fighting. You're injured."

"But -" he began.

Sinful (WICKED #2) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now