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"LEVI," YELENA BEGAN, HIS name leaving her in a stammer.

"Answer me," Levi said.

His hand was still bleeding, but he didn't pay it any mind, cold gaze focused on Yelena. Flustered she took another step back, the other girls all frozen in place. The door was wide open, the girl who had been guarding it gone, probably having fled when she saw the situation escalate. It was Ella who moved first, grabbing some paper towels from the wall and applying pressure to the wound.

"You cut yourself badly," she said.

"Eleanora," he said, frost melting once his gaze flicked towards her," are you alright?"

"Of course," she reassured him, only looking away when Mia gave her a linen handkerchief. She took the papers off and rinsed his hand, tying it around after in a makeshift bandage. "Focus on yourself first, Levi, you're hurt."

"No," he replied.

"You stubborn idiot," she murmured, though her voice had a fond note to it," this will scar."

"Let it," he said, leaning forward so they were seeing eye to eye. Once he had held her gaze for a moment, he nodded slowly, like he had found the confirmation that she was really okay in her eyes. "What happened?"

Yelena quickly began speaking, but Levi interrupted her with an icy look.

"I gave you the time for an explanation," he said.

"I was just a bit surprised," Yelena said, words leaving her in a rush," I just wanted to scare her, you have to know -"

"I really don't care what I have to know," Levi interrupted her.

Most of the anger that had threatened to spill over had faded once he had noticed she was alright, but it was clear Yelena was treading on dangerous territory. She seemed to understand that herself, closing her mouth and swallowing her words. Her gaze was pleading as she turned it towards Ella, but she didn't return it. Telling on people was childish, especially when it concerned boys, and normally Ella never would have thought about it, but damn, the girl had cut her. Most importantly, now Levi had become hurt the line had been crossed, anger and concern intertwining as she glanced up at him.

"They pulled me apart when I was waiting for Will in the hallway," she said," you know, when those guys were cornering you." She absent-mindedly touched her cheek, the cut tingling underneath her fingertips. "It really wasn't that big of a deal, but I've got to say, getting a pocketknife pulled on you in school sure isn't an experience I thought I'd have."

"You're being nice, new girl," Ava chuckled, though there was no humor in it as she looked at Yelena," and you, the next time I see you pull a knife will be the last time you attend this school."

"There will be no next time," Levi said, voice cool," Isis is probably behind this, seeing as you two are best friends. I can't believe I expected better." He sighed, before tilting his head to the right as he spared her a last glance. "You two are dead to me."

"She isn't," Yelena argued immediately," this is all my idea, Levi, I swear. If you're going to blacklist anyone, it should be me."

"Blacklist?" Ella laughed," what is this, a bad mafia movie?" When Yelena didn't reply, she raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Oh, you're for real?"

"Being head of St Joseph has it's perks," Ava smiled. "These students would listen to Levi before they ever would to anyone else."

"I don't need other people to settle my grudges," Levi said," this is between me, Yelena and Isis."

"You might not involve the rest of the school, but I will."

Will and Alex were standing in the opening of the door, but it was Alex who had spoken, his usual amusement gone as he looked around the room.

Sinful (WICKED #2) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now