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Jay's POV

I felt something move and almost fell off the bed with a yelp if I wasn't caught by someone.

"Wake up lass" I nodded at Captain Barbossa and went up to meet the negotiation. I bit my lips

"Ah the infamous Jaybird" I looked up shocked

"My name is just Jay sir" I growled out he looked at my chest and I hand to refrain from slapping him.

"I see Jay. Where are your daggers that saved your life more than once?"

"I gave them to someone" I winced at the memory

"I'll leave the Pearl Alone if I get Jay and this lady" Feng says pointing to Elizabeth.

"Alright" we both say. I didn't realize my hair looked more mature until I saw myself in a mirror when the servants gave me blue feminine clothes. I gritted my teeth and put on the stupid dress.

"You look nicer" Feng complimented

"Es si no sabia que te eivas a morir ya te hubiera matado y mandado te en Davy Jones Locker (A/n: sorry! Translation is if i didnt know you were going to die. i would have killed you and sent you to Davy Jones Locker)" I hissed in my native tongue he chuckled as if guessing what I was saying

"Now you don't want my ship to attack the Pearl would you?" I glared at him

"You wouldn't" I gritted my teeth he laughed and began to tell us his plan then the Flying Dutchman came and Feng appointed Elizabeth as his successor.

I grumbled on how Elizabeth got her pants back but I had to be in this annoying dress.

"Come now Elizabeth please" I glared at Norrington and Bootstrap Bill told Elizabeth what was supposed to happen but I had a plan to change that

"Jay. I-I can't thank you enough" I smiled slightly as I remembered what I was here for. To save Will and Elizabeth.

"You won't have to. If all goes well then everyone will get they're happily ever after and the next story can continue" I stated smiling Bill gives me my clothes which I thank him like a million times before changing quickly out. Without anyone noticing me

Then Norrington sets us free and in the process gets killed in the process and we get back on the Pearl.

"Well you guys sure took your time!" I snapped

"I liked ye quiet" Barbossa muttered as we went to consult the Pirate King aka Jack's father

The rest of the pirate lords voted for themselves but Elizabeth and Jack voted for war.

Calypso was freed which made the Pearl and the Flying Dutchman fight. I took Will's blow and Bootstap Bill stabbed the heart of Davy Jones.

I coughed up some blood and everything was going blurry

"Oh My God! Will!" I heard

"Jay!Jay!Jay! Stay with us!"

"Will? Elizabeth?" I croaked weakly

"Thank you, were married now" I smiled

"That's great"

"What's happening here?" I heard Jack ask in a worried tone?

"Jack she's dying"

"Can't you...?"

"No Jack I want this. My life was already over to begin with when I decided to help the people here. Besides don't you have women to court?" I chuckled out coughing blood

"Don't speak you'll hurt yourself"

"I've already hurt myself Jack" before I passed out I felt a familiar golden chain

"Here keep it, your daggers are if more use" he states I smile and sense I'm dying might as well make the best of it. Right?

I smashed my lips just when I blacked out and woke up in my cabin.

I woke up crying my eyes out.

"Fare thee well Capitán Jack Sparrow" I whispered and went to find my brother who hugged me and told me we inherited our family fortune.

"Oh that's nice" I whisper and tell him what happened when he wasn't there he was sad and mad that he couldn't take a picture of my first kiss.

"I wish I was there! But then again I would never have discovered that our family is from a royalty. And guess what!?" I chuckled sadly

"What?" I ask

"We are also Royal Pirate decedents!" I whipped my head at that

"Are you serious!?"

"Yeah! Apparently we're decedents of a Pirate called Captain Jake Zone!"

"That's a weird name. I never heard of him"

"No one has, he was killed at such a young age and had so many kids I would be surprised if any women knew him by his real name"

"Well night big bro"

***The top dress is what she was made to wear***

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