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A/N- let's skip some parts and get to the part where Will states he is Bootstrap Bill's son shall we?

Jay's POV

"Will you idiot!" I cried out "be more specific next time!" I hissed as I was gaffed again and thrown overboard. I tried to thrash but I couldn't cause both my feet were tied and so were my hands behind my back. My daggers were taken away.

I jumped so my hands could pass through like a jump rope the. I resurfaced

"Blimey he's alive!" I heard Riggs shout as I was struggling to take in air

"Why he is" I glared at Barbossa and then went back down to find an anchor. I found it and cut the ropes of my hands and untied my feet and I pushed upward taking a deep breath.

"Hey Barbie! Look I'm alive" I shouted waving my hands and swimming away in a laughing matter towards the island Jack and Elizabeth would be staying at.

Elizabeth's POV

I saw in shock how many lives does that young man have!?

"That blasted bastard is still alive" Barbossa growled

"What is it Barbie!? Can't admit that you were out bested!?"

"Drop off Miss Swann and Jack Sparrow off"

I grabbed the young man's daggers as I walked the plank in my underdress I passed the man's daggers he looked at me grateful and pulled me to shore when Jack came too.

"Will!" I shouted

"Come on we need to get help!" I shouted at Jack, Jay stood out of the fight and just stayed in the trees.

Jack and I got drunk with rum.

"Hey Young Man do you want to help me burn the rum?" I asked waking up. I shake the tree Jay is in he falls then laughs and groans lazily nodded and went with me.

"My you want me to start the fire?" He asked I nodded taking out the rum

"So what are your secrets?" I asked teasingly he looked at me shocked

"What are you inquiring?" He asks defensively

"Whoa. I'm just asking." I stated he looks down "A young man like you could be in the royal navy. And I'm wondering what secrets you have. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to"

"Actually..I have a big secret" he whispered as I began throwing the first barrel of rum

"Well spit it out then"

"I'm not a male" I looked at him

"Your not?" I nearly fainted dead

"No, I'm like you a girl. But since everyone thinks I'm a boy no one takes advantages or advances on me" he or should I said she said nervously "please don't tell anyone"

"Well I can understand that perfectly. You seem respectable so I will not tell" she smiled and nodded at me as she helped me throw away the rum

"N-N-NO!NO!NO!NO! What are you doing!?" Jack asked me completely ignoring Jay

"Rum can make even the decent man into a man with no rules. Besides someone is bound to see this fire" I stated sitting down

"But why rum?" Jay chuckled shaking her head

"Your father's coming Elizabeth" I looked at her shocked when a ship came she mouthed later and winked

Jack was confused.

"I hope your not flirting with her because she's already taken by Will" we glared at him

"He's my friend!" I snapped at him which made Jay fake blush.

Soon I was reunited with my father. And the Commodore I took Jay and my father in his quarters.

"Elizabeth you can tell him" I smiled

"Father this is Jay she is a girl disguised as a male" he blinked twice before he left us to change understanding the situation.

Oh Crap I'm in Pirates of the Caribbean!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang