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Jay's POV

I changed myself and tied my clothes to my waist with my daggers.

"Why where you named Jay?" Elizabeth asked while we were sailing to rescue Will

"My mother loved Bluejays but my father loved all types of Jay birds. Thus forth my name Jay. My full name is...."

"We're here" I looked at the ocean and saw it I stood up and jumped diving in the water

"Jay!" I saluted when I came up and swam towards the cave. I've been doing a lot of swimming maybe I should go take swimming lessons if I go home. Nah!

I struggled when a pirate covered my mouth and took me to Barbossa.

"Ah trying to sneak up on us aye?"

"Nay, I'm begging to get captured idiota!" I said sarcastically

"Did you just call me an idiot boy?"

"Yes if mutiny counts you backstabber" I growled out gritting my teeth

"I wonder if Jack knows your secret" I froze wide eyed. "Yes I know" I glared at him

"I'll kill you! If you tell anyone!" I growled

He came to my ears

"And do what laddie? Or is it lassie?" He asked as my stare harden as I give up my daggers.

I let them sit me down and tie me up again along with being gaffed.

Will looked at me curiously confused at what was said as no one but me heard the threat loud and clear. If I don't behave my secret will be out.

Then Jack comes in and Will fends off against the Pirates with Elizabeth.

I was forgotten or so I thought when I'm yanked up and a knife is at my throat.

"Anyone move and she's dead. So put that pistole away Jack. You wouldn't shoot your own faithful scalawag" When I felt the knife fall away I kicked him inter shin and made the knife fly towards the other side of the cave but I fell in the water

And since I couldn't swim right now I struggled to get to the surface. I bet I was forgotten again until I was brought up to a rock

"You stay there" I heard I nodded smiling dizzily. My hands were set free by my daggers

"Thanks Elizabeth!" I shouted almost blacking out

She pulls me out of the water and let's me breathe. I coughed up a lot of water and we were gotten by the navy.

Jack and I were put to hang. Until Will and Elizabeth plus the Governor stopped that.

"Go ahead Jay" Elizabeth whispers smiling as I kissed her on the cheek for goodbye and jumped into the water.

When I got to the ship I felt a hand extend.

"Here lad welcome aboard the Black Pearl" I smiled welcoming my new life

Oh Crap I'm in Pirates of the Caribbean!Where stories live. Discover now