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Amity's POV

"Your dancing is still too stiff and your voice is shaking too much. What's wrong with you today? Your performances are usually done flawlessly." My instructor said as she corrected the positions of my arms.

"Well my performances don't usually include this much dancing..." I mumbled. 

I was practicing for yet another showcase my parents had booked for me. Except this time, my performance would have a lot more dancing than usual. 

"What would your parents think?" The instructor asked out of the blue. I slightly balled my fists just to have them opened back up by the instructor.

My parents don't care about me... The only reason they still keep me around is so they can use me. Make money off of me. Marry me to fools and rich bastards. They took me from where I felt the most safe to this horrible, toxic place. Of course I didn't say that out loud, though.

"Madam? You're blacking out again." The instructor snapped me out of my thoughts.

"My apologies." I said, blankly. I was really tired.

The instructor scoffed at my laziness, "You know what? Just go and take a break." The lady said as she practically stomped out of the room. I watched her as her face fumed as she left the room. I just shrugged and started to walk to the corridor.

I sat on the nearest bench beneath the roof and could hear the light pours of rain above me. It calmed me and took me away from my worries, even if it was just for a few moments.

🎶 Just singin' in the rain 

What a glorious feeling

I'm happy again 🎶


Right above from where I was currently sitting, I could hear Gene Kelly's, "Singing In The Rain" being played from a worn out record player.

Before I was even aware of it, I found myself walking towards the music. It seemed to be coming from the rooftop. Who could possibly be playing music on a rooftop, at this hour, in the rain?

🎶 I'm laughin' at clouds 

So dark up above 

The sun's in my heart 

And I'm ready for love 🎶

I finally made my way up the staircase and onto the platform. I saw a person with light brown skin, short, dark brown hair, a white, halfway buttoned up dress shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and a black fedora holding an umbrella. I couldn't tell if the person was a male or female. Their hair is short and their clothing is very masculine, but their figure is also very feminine and slender.

The instrumental played quietly under the light rain as they danced around the roof. They tossed their fedora into the air and spun around with the umbrella in hand. The movements were so graceful and delicate. There wasn't a sign of stiffness anywhere. They were so lost in their dance that they haven't even noticed me standing here yet.

I silently watched them from afar as she finished her dance.

🎶 Let the stormy clouds chase 

Everyone from the place 

Come on with the rain 

I've a smile on my face 

I'll walk down the lane 

With a happy refrain 

Just singin' Singin' in the rain 🎶

Sadly, the rain had eventually stopped and so did their performance. Their hair and clothes were soaked. I'm not sure if it was the rain, sweat from moving so much, or both. What a shame, I was really enjoying that. Oh well, I guess it was my cue to leave. I turned around and started to quietly walk to the door that led to the staircase but my exit was interrupted by a voice,

"So, what did you think?" The person asked. It was a girl's voice. I turned around to look at the same person I saw dancing just a couple of seconds ago. How did she know I was standing here?

She smiled at me and tilted her head a bit, "Hi." Her tone was calm and sweet, very gentle.

"Um, I...liked it...?" I said as if I was asking a question. The girl just looked at me and laughed. Her laugh was so enchanting.

"What are you doing up here? Most importantly, in the rain?" I asked as I looked everywhere except for her, nervous to look her in the eyes for whatever reason.

"Hmm... Good question. I guess I just like coming up here to dance. And the rain wasn't intentional, it just... happened. Made for a good performance, though." She laughed at the last part.

"Yeah..." I looked around once more. There was an awkward silence surrounding us.

"Hey, um, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but, may I ask what your name is?" The short-haired girl asked.

"Oh, you can refer to me as Madam, but I'm not allowed to tell strangers my real name. Sorry." I said with a frown. I want to tell her my name, but my parents are so controlling. Apparently I'm only supposed to be known as someone's "wife".

"Madam, huh? You're married?" The girl asked curiously.

"Engaged, technically. I didn't really have a choice though."

"Oh. What do you mean by that, if you don't mind me asking?" She asked me as she sat down on the ground and fanned herself with her hand.

I hesitated, "Oh, I uh, don't really like to talk about it." I nervously chuckled and rubbed my neck.

"That's fine. I mean, I am a stranger. You don't have to tell me anything." She smiled. I think I just melted from cuteness.

"Well, uh, I should probably get back downstairs to practice." I said to the girl as I turned around and began to open the door. Before I stepped out, I turned back around for a brief moment.

This girl can dance right? Really well too. She looks like she's around my age... She could help me with my performance!

"Um, hey, have you ever choreographed something or helped someone with a dance before?" I asked the girl.

"No, not that I recall of. But I'm pretty sure I could do it if I wanted to. Why?" She asked as she continued to fan herself.

"Well, I need help with a dance I'm supposed to be learning, and I could really use an instructor closer to my age. I was wondering if you would like to help me out?" I put my hands behind my back and shifted my head down. I was a bit more shy than usual.

"Hmm. Well, I'm not occupied with anything else, and I enjoy helping people so... Sure! Why not?" The girl agreed.


this is my first original lumity story! I wrote this at like 6 AM in the morning and it's just been sitting, so i decided to publish the first chapter to see what people think. I still have to work on my other fanfic (bloom into you), but I would like to work on this if I ever got the time. what do you think?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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