Chapter 11

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It has been a few weeks since Rage arrived and stayed in a fantasy-like Citadel. He thought it was a dream at first but remembered he was kidnapped by a tiger and took him here. He met a Chase Young, the leader and Warlord of a organization called the Heylin. And the father of Rage. That explains why Rage looks like his biological father, the same eyes, the same facial, and finally his ability. With the stun look on Rage's face, he felt like his body is about to collapse until a tiger appear behind him just in case he faints.

Rage can't believe his eyes, a man claiming that he's his father, his real father he never met for many years. Rage couldn't say anything from this situation, but he let Chase answer his questions. He explained to him with a simple lie about his organization's goal is to turn the world good and fight against evil.

Rage: "But wait, what happened to me years ago? I kept having dreams where I was a baby and a woman was carrying me and she had fear in her eyes."

Chase remembered that memory years ago, he was the one who send his Jungle Cats to chase after her, his mate. He came up with another simple lie to tell Rage.

Chase: "....It was tragic. Your mother and I was searching for you after your birth. I learned one of my accomplishments was jealous of my relationship with her. She decided to kidnap you and start a new family of her own. We found her at the cliff point but she wasn't in your arms. Your mother tried to stop her but my accomplishment killed her so I have to eliminate her for the crime she committed. I tried looking for you but I gave up, you were no where to be found."

Rage look down in sadness, he sat down on the concrete step from the stair on what he had heard. His mother he never met for so long was murdered from his father's accomplishment.

Rage: "What was my mother's name?"

Chase: "Her name was Li mei, she was an amazing woman before I married her. She helped me a lot on rebuilding the Heylin and succeeding in our goals. It has been for so long on finally meeting you again. I wish your mother was here and seeing you again." He said in a calm voice and smile.

Rage look at his father once again, tears stream down from his eyes and pour down on his cheeks, he then wipe it off with his right arm. His bangs move to the each side of his face revealing the dragon eyes similar to Chase.

Chase: "Rage, I know it hurts on telling you what happened was awful but it has been in the past, your mother will still love from above. So as a request, would you like to help me on accomplishing the Heylin's goals in turning the world good?" He asked to Rage.

Rage: "....Yes. I will."

Chase smiled at his answer and help him up on standing up from the bottom step of the stairs.

Chase: "I will start training you on using the Shen-Gong Wus at dawn, don't forget."

Rage: "I promise."

Chase: "But first, I want you to meet the other Heylin members. You'll like them."

Meanwhile at the hidden village, Jun and the others learned about Chase Young. Jin explained to to them Chase is the most vile and toughest Warlord of the Heylin clan. His goal in life is using all of the Shen Gong Wus to turn the world evil and cause mass destruction.

Jin: "Chase was once a Xiaolin monk many years ago before he turned evil. That monster worked with Hannibal Bean, manipulating him to join the dark side of evil and caused chaos in his hometown together. He left and never came to the Xiaolin temple ever again."

Fen: "Oh god, I'm so scared Jin. What if he kidnapped Rage and tortured him in his hideout?" She said worried and ready to cry.

Jun: "I'll get him back Mr. and Mrs. Huang."

Fen: "No, Jun you can't face him together. The last monks who tried to defeat him ended up turn into his slaves."

Jun: "Its die trying or not, he is my friend after all." She said and went up the stairs to Rage's bedroom.

His foster parents followed her where she dug up a fabric bag of Shen Gong Wus hidden inside his closet. Jun pulled out the Golden Tiger Claw and attach the artifact onto her right hand.

Fen: "Where did he get that?"

Jun: "He found it the other day on his bed, must of been Chase Young who dropped it for him as a gift."

With that, she activated the Golden Tiger Claw by calling its name, then swiping a huge teleportation gash through the air, and finally jumping into the portal at her destination.

Jun: 'Please be safe Rage, I never told you how I felt when I first met you. I...I love you.'

Bonus pic:

I made chibi versions of Rage Young!

I made chibi versions of Rage Young!

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