Fluid Tenacity (Willne)

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She thought they were happy. The last time he saw her before they broke up, there was no way of knowing what he was planning to do.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the beep of a car horn. Will had pulled up along side the nightclub. Unclipping his seatbelt, he exited the car to help his grieving, very over her limits, friend.

"Hi William"

She smiled her always beautiful smile. He grinned at the use of the name William. She only ever called him by his actual name when she was drunk, and whenever she was drunk, it was entertaining at the most. He stretched out his arms to pick her up of the curb and escort her into his car.

"Hi Harps, come on let's get you home"

She instantly pulled back, violently shaking her head.

"NO! I don't want to go back to his house. He broke up with me. It'll be awkward"

She hurriedly said, gently grabbing hold of his face with her slightly sweaty hands. Her voice in a slight whisper as she stressed the situation.  Will chuckled as he grasped her hands and pulled her towards the car.

"Alright then, you can stay with me"

He tightened the seat-belt, securing her tightly in her seat. Once he had closed the door, she immediately rested her head against the window, fatigue taking over. Will walked over to the other side of the car, getting in and starting up the car,

"Good night? Obviously apart from the whole, splitting up from Josh thing"

Will struggled slightly trying to hide his big gaping smile when he mentions the break up. He watched for over a year, as she got closer and eventually get together with Josh.

Josh was well aware of Will's feelings for the girl, using the fact that he was her boyfriend to his advantage. Always being as close to her as possible when Will was around. Wrapping his arm around her waist, kissing her on the neck, cheek or shoulder every couple minutes. ensuring that Will would see. Which he did.

Every. Single. Time.

Harper's smile once again appeared, lifting her head up enough that she could look at Will, but not enough that it would hurt her.

"You're so nice Will, you're so caring"

She complimented, not really caring about what she was saying. Will carried on looking at the road, but he could feel her crystal blue eyes staring at him, causing him to smile. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Anything for you Harps you know that "

He gushed, smiling to her and himself. She reached out and poked his cheek with her pointer finger.

"You're so cute"

He chuckled at her silliness, swatting her finger away and pulling into the carpark. He looked over at his dazed friend as she quietly sung to the song on the radio, unaware of her friend who was currently watching in admiration.

He admired as she closed her eyes, gently swaying her head back and forth. He watched on as she carelessly tapped her finger against her knee.

Miniminter, Calfreezy, Wroetoshaw and Willne imaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ