I looked away when they noticed me. Absently scratching my upper arm, I walked further into the room. I could feel swirls of fear enter my mind the closer I got to Alec, but I pushed them back. I had a week of rest from the blinding fear. I wasn't going to let it control me again now that I had experienced life without it again. Max had consistently been reassuring me that they wouldn't hurt me again. I had been reluctant to believe his words, and still am, but I can't deny that they haven't physically hurt me since they promised they wouldn't. After Simon was free, I would test the waters. See how far I could push them before they break. With Simon safe and free, I wouldn't have to worry about them hurting him in retaliation to my actions.

"What's wrong with your arm?" Alec asked, amusement in his tone.

I looked towards him, dropping my arm. "Just an itch."

"Hmm," he hummed, a satisfied smile stretching across his lips. "Come here," he said holding his hand out as Luca reached the last step, drying his wet hair with a towel.

I hesitantly stepped towards him. Just for today. I just need to do what they say for today. Once Simon was safe I could tell them to go fuck themselves.

The thought and the feeling that followed shocked me. I had previously had inner musing of killing, torturing and talking back to three, but they were always followed by fear of being punished. Not this time. It wasn't even glee that I wouldn't have to put up with their shit mush longer without a fight. I actually felt a thrill of excitement go through me at the thought of how they would react to me pushing them. It went against every survival instinct I had acquired over my lifetime. You don't poke the beast, you lie down and play dead until it got bored and left.

I could only blame it on the dreams. They turned Alec's threats of spanking me into something that caused heat to rush between my thighs rather than fear to course through my veins. I didn't like the effects that they were having on my survival instincts. I couldn't let this single week of relief, lack of fear, and wet dreams let me forget how dangerous they were. Alec was more likely to bruise my ass black and blue than the flaming red he had achieved in my dreamscape.

I squeezed my legs as I came to a stop in front of Alec. That dream was the first time that I felt his domineering voice send a shiver other than that of fear down my spine. Now, all I could hear in his voice was the seductive, husky timbre that ordered me over his lap as he caressed my bare skin. Not the dangerous rage that I know.

I didn't even know that I'd be into spanking. Nor did I ever expect distance and dreams to chance my bodily reaction to them so drastically.

I was yanked from my inner musings by Alec. Literally. He had grabbed my wrist and pulled me until I was on his lap, straddling him.

When did my encounters with him start ending up with me on his lap straddling him so often?

An audible moan left my lips when his fingers grazed the skin just under the hem of my shirt at my waist. The sparks erupted across my skin with a violent velocity. They attacked each nerve ending until all I could do was drop my head to his shoulder and shiver as pleasure and a sense of relief, comfort, and safety enveloped my very being. Things that are not associated with Alec King. Taking a deep breath, his unique scent of smoke, like that from a campfire, and leather filled my senses.

I could feel my body drape against his, leaving no space between us, as my muscles relaxed. My mind blanked and all I could focus on was the sensation of his skin on mine and the soft pressure of his fingers rubbing the side of my neck as his hand held me by the back of my neck against him. He pressed a kiss to my head. My arms were limp by my side as a soft purr like sensation rumbled through his chest and only served to make me an even greater puddle of peaceful bliss.

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