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A few weeks later----1 month until leaving Punta Cana --- Olivia

"Good morning yall." I say through a stiff yawn, fixing my bonnet on my head. "Morning? Girl it's almost 2 in the afternoon." Yaz says while sipping on what looks like coffee, still dressed in shorts, a hoodie and slippers. "Looks like we all just woke up." Tahny says while walking down the stairs and instantly going to the fridge. "We did stay at the club til bout 3, I know you remember that Ms. Heartbreaker." Macy chimes in while sitting down in the tall stool by the countertop.

"Heartbreaker?" Tahny asked while pulling out her bottle of apple juice, opening it and taking a sip before handing it to me, letting me have a drink. "You stood outside the house yelling at Darius about how you weren't his girl and he needs to back up." Yaz says while laughing, Macy soon laughing with her. "Is that why he was calling me so fucking much?! What the fuck!~" After that Tahny takes off back upstairs, probably going to apologize.

"Did I do something I'm gonna regret?" I asked while putting the apple juice back in the fridge. "I honestly think you had a threesome cause you left with a dude and his girl and never came back til we was leaving the club." I scrunch up my face and go the fridge, looking through all the food. "I hope I didn't cause ion know where those people shit been. Anyway, yall want breakfast? I'm hungry."

"Yeah I'll help cook." Macy hops off the stool and Yaz sits down in it. "I know how to make them from scratch." I nod and pull out the sausage patties and bacon. "It's better than the box so good. Well you cook that and I'll cook everything else."


"Ooohh it smells good!~" I saw while jumping up on a stool beside Yaz who was on her phone. "They making breakfast for us. How things go with lover boy?" She puts her phone face down on the countertop and looks up at me, I let out a dragged sigh. "He says he wants to meet later but I doubt that, he sounded pissed." I shrug gently and snag a piece of bacon off the plate Olivia set down. "Aye bitch wait!" She snaps and I burst out laughing.

We all turn to the door when the doorbell rings a few minutes after. "Not it!" Everyone yells, leaving me out. "Oh yall some bitches! Got me in some shorts in my bonnet opening the door." I flip them off, fixing myself to look somewhat presentable. I open the door and nearly pass out at the person starring back at me. Macy comes up behind me, clapping a hand over her mouth. "Bitch!-"

I quickly slam the door shut, leaning against it and instantly tearing up. "Who was it?" Olivia and Yaz come around the corner. Olivia basically running to stand me up properly.

"Jalen's outside."


SOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry for my absences loves! School has been kicking my ass but I'm getting things together and will probably have a ACTUAL chapter next week or the week after. Until then here is a little chapter to see if you are actually still here ;-;

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