She stepped closer to him. "O-okay."


She nodded not meeting his gaze. "You aren't worried we'd get caught?"

"We could go late at night. Hours after curfew. No way any of them will be there then."

"T-tonight?" She asked both excitement and terror.

How badly he wanted to say yes. To say let's go right now. "No, during the week, need a couple of days to get the details straightened out." Better to be smart about it.

She grabbed the front of his jumper and leaned into him, partly because she was dizzy but also to hide her face. She hoped he couldn't feel her heart beating out of her chest. "Sounds good." She said into his chest

He wrapped his arms around her, gently rubbing her back. "It's okay to say no, you don't have too."

"I know. I wouldn't if I didn't want to."

"You'll tell me if you change your mind?"


"Good." He sighed and she could feel his relief and excitement. She leaned back and looked up at him. He met her gaze and her stomach did a flip, she looked away again.

He smirked, "anyway I could convince you to keep the robes on for the rest of the day?"

"If you give me my wand back I'll consider wearing it for a little bit."

"Sorry Love, Fred's got your wand."

"Dammit." She groaned trying not to smirk. "I knew I grabbed the wrong twin."

He pulled her tightly to him, "did you now?"

"I suppose we'll have to go find the right one to get my wand back."

"Or we could goof off for the rest of the day. No Fred no pranks."

"If I'm honest.... as stupid as it sounds I feel vulnerable without it. Like I'm missing an extension of myself."

He sighed exaggeratedly, "well if that's the case, we better go and get it back."

"Plus if we hid all day, we'd miss your party and Fred would never let me hear the end of it."

"Why wouldn't he let you hear the end of it?"

"Well he'd blame me for corrupting you naturally and probably accuse me of bribing you."

"If we must then." George sighed, and before Lyra knew what was happening he was scooping her up and throwing her over his shoulder.

"G-George?! What are you doing?!"

He kicked the classroom door open with a loud bang, "Well it appears I've caught a wild Gryffindor imposter, and I've got to turn her in!"

"The only reason I'm in this stupid uniform is because of you and Fred!"

"Shhh keep yelling like that and you'll get us caught!"

"Where did you two find an extra girl's uniform anyway? Don't tell me you stole it off your sister."

"What you mean you can't tell? It's one of yours we just transfigured it."

"Really?" She had to bite back the fact she was impressed. Transfiguration wasn't easy.

"Yeah, had to. No way you would have fit in Ginny's-" something collided with the side of George's head with a loud wack.

"What are you trying to imply George Weasley?!" Lyra hissed her face a bright red.

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