Back at Gringotts

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One hour later

Harry's POV

I was waiting for James and Lily to finish getting ready, I was standing in the flu room, yes that manor was big enough to have a full room just for flu transportation, though it only had one fireplace and a few couches in it, with Alex right next to me. Alex had a red velvet cloak with gold lace and a pendant with the Potter symbol on it. Because I was so small I had to transfigure one of my shirts into a cloak that was black with gold lace on it, and it had The Potter symbol sewn on the front of it in red string. I wasn't a big fan of gold and red, since they reminded me too much of Gryffindor colors, which is no doubt what it was based off of, so I was happy to be able to get away with a black cloak and only a little gold and red. The cloaks went to our ankles so it covered Alex's wings and tail while I made mine curl in and disappear, like I learned in one of the books I read (ew I just realized how much Harry sounds like Hermione). Alex looked at me up and down before getting in front of me and looking slightly down on me, since I was about three inches shorter than him.

"Listen here, freak, I don't appreciate you taking MY attention from mom and dad away from me. It's been a while since I broke something and blamed you, wouldn't want that to happen again now would we?" Alex said. Anguis was still on my neck and was glaring at Alex, though he couldn't see him. I started at Alex... and that was all I did, just stare at him, though on the inside I was horrified. I may act tough but I couldn't stand being hit, and now that I went through my inheritance and I was a submissive, it'd practically be traumatizing for me. We kept eye contact until James came down with Lily close behind him. James wore an exact replica of the cloak Alex was wearing but his size and the symbol on his pendant was slightly different, showing that he was Lord Potter, while Alex was only the Heir. Lily was wearing a red cloak with gold lace too but it had the Potter symbol sewn onto her cloak like mine, which was in gold.

"Ready to go Alex." James said, not even bothering to ask me. Me and Alex quickly broke eye contact as Alex went to stand next to his father. Alex and Lily nodded while I waited with flu powder in my hands. James got some flu powder and shouted "Diagon Alley!" before throwing the flu powder down and disappeared in a puff of green smoke. I would've gone next but Alex pushed me out of the way and quickly said the same thing James did and threw the flu powder down fast before vanishing.

I stepped into the fireplace and raised my left hand, Lily looked at me with her arms crossed and foot tapping against the floor, waiting impatiently, I yelled "Diagon Alley!" Before throwing my flu powder down like James and Alex did and disappeared in a puff of green smoke. I was surprised they didn't have different colored flu powders, which would make the smoke different colors, I could make that and get a few gallons from it, at least from my own family if I made a red one since they despised green. I made a mental note to work on that as I stepped out of the fireplace in The Leaky Cauldron. Alex and James were waiting for me impatiently and right after I stepped out of the fireplace more green smoke appeared and Lily stepped out of the fireplace too, dusting her cloak off.

James gave Lily a quick kiss before rushing us over to Gringotts. I would've come myself but I don't know what has changed since I was last here, which was when I was 5. Nothing looked different besides the objects in the shop windows and some of the buildings had new coats of dry paint on them. As we passed Twilfitt and Tattings I noticed a small alleyway that I assumed led to Knockturn alley, which I wanted to check out when I got my stuff for Hogwarts next year. We walked towards Gringotts but got stopped when a news reporter noticed Alex Potter and instantly came over to get an interview with him. Alex was beyond happy to have more attention as James and Lily loved the attention and fame as well. While Alex was getting interviewed, along with a few questions for Lily and James, nobody noticed me standing there, so I decided to meet them inside.

I walked into Gringotts and looked around. I have only been in here once and even then I didn't get a very good look at the inside. The floor had a shiny pattern that consisted of a tan orange, pale brown, and brown. The ceiling was a dark tan and the walls were a similar color, while the pillars had a bronze colored marble design. There were tall desks on the left and right side of the room, about 10 on each side, and at the end of the room, there was the head goblin, Griphook I think his name was, sitting at a singular desk, just higher than the rest of them. There were a few people in Gringotts, which wasn't surprising considering it was a Tuesday and Gringotts was, based on what I have heard, only really busy Thursday-Sunday. After admiring the layout of inside Gringotts I went up to the desk that Griphook was sitting at and waited for him to finish looking at the paper he was looking at before letting out a fake cough to get his attention. He looked over his desk and down at me before he spoke.

"What do you want?" He said, in a fast and irritated voice. I was quite surprised he wasn't talking in gobbledegook, the goblin language, but at the same time, I wasn't. Not many humans knew gobbledegook, which I think is why he was surprised when I answered in it.

"I am Harry Potter and am here early with Lord James Potter, Heir Alex Potter, and Lily Potter. We wish to speak with our vault holder to get creature inheritance tests. I wish to go wait with him while my parents and brother are outside being interviewed." I said flawlessly. What can I say, being neglected for 6 years gives you a lot of time to spare, mine as well learn a few languages. I also ended up learning Mermish language, an ancient dragon language, elf language, fairy/pixie language, and some muggle languages too like French and Spanish, because why not. Griphook looked at me stunned before glaring at me.

"How do you know gobbledegook so good to speak in it flawlessly?" He asked suspiciously. I look at him for a second before responding in english.

"I spent a lot of time alone, so I learned gobbledegook to pass the time. It's a relatively easy language once you have the basics down, one of the first languages I learned." I said cheerfully, before going calm and serious in an instant, which could scare anyone, except a goblin of course. "Now may I please go wait with the Potter vault holder while my parents and brother take their sweet time getting their pictures taken and signing autographs." I say, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

Griphook looks at me for a second before nodding and getting down from his desk to lead me to where I would meet the vault holder. He gestured to me to follow him as we went into a hallway behind his desk, we took a left and headed straight for a little while before stopping at a door labeled 'Stingcloth's office' on it. I said a quick "thank you" to Griphook, in gobbledegook of course, before opening the doors and going in.

Word Count: 1345

I feel that the chapter after this could be attached to this one, but I don't have enough time to write if I want to post this today. Also, don't expect me to post every day, I am bad at keeping promises that have to do with future events and this would be one of them. The only reason why I am posting several days in a row is because I have been keeping track and have been on top of my school stuff, not to mention I am sick (may and or may not be corona, we don't know) and have a lot of free time since I don't have to do chores. But anyways, how was this chapter? It didn't really have any important information in it, besides one detail that will be crucial in the future (#foreshadowing) but that will be a very long time form now, or at least will take place long after this chapter. This chapter is mostly to prepare readers for the next chapter so it isn't just a time skip to Gringotts, because where's the fun in that? Anyway, byeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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