" Ayato."

" Ayato..."

" Was there someone named Sasaki in the Quinx Bunch?"


It was evening already. The color orange took over the once blue sky, the clouds were moving gently to the west, and the weather felt soothing, especially when the wind was blowing their hair gently. The trees along the lane put on the loveliest shades of dark and emerald green, and the shops, which had lights on, made it even better.

" So, Mr. Sass.. where is the 'Shirazu Squad's' next target, Nutcracker?" Shirazu asked as he lifted his glasses. Instead of answering his question, Haise could only grab the glasses away from him, "I thought I'd start looking by the part."

" Nutcracker. Operated in the red light district," Sasaki explained towards his two comrades, Mutsuki and Shirazu, who were walking beside him in a bridge to the other side, " Her rating is still under review."

" Why 'Nutcracker,' exactly?" the orange-haired male asked.

" She apparently has a thing for smashing the testicles of men."

" That..sounds painful."

" By the way, Captain Shirazu," Haise changed the topic and turned to make eye contact with the two, ".. where are Urie and Saiko?"

" Prince Uri said he wasn't feeling well, so he went to see Dr. Shiba. Apparently, something is off with his Frame, so he may be laid up in the hospital for a few days."

"  That's something you should report right away."

" Sorry," Shirazu apologized as his face and Mutsuki's turned guilty.

" How about Saiko?" the white-haired male asked, the three continued to walk.

" We tried to wake her, but there was no answer," Mutsuki said, " Her room was locked up too."

" I hope she didn't die of ham poisoning."

" Ham?" Haise asked confusingly, not until he sniffed the air, " I have a very promising feeling about this!"

" Teach?" Mitsuki asked if he was fine.

" Oh, nothing. Let's stop in for tea time, okay?"

": re?" The green-haired male said the shop's name.

As Haise was lost in deep thoughts because of the aroma he smelled from afar, he didn't notice a lady opening the door right in front of him and so, her head bumped into his chest and that was when he finally snapped out of his daydream.

" I'm extremely sorry!" both of them said at the same time, making eye contact with each other. The female just picked up the papers she dropped and Haise was just staring at her, confused, as if she was someone he was awfully familiar with.

' Was she someone I know? Did I met her somewhere?' Haise thought as the female stood up with her files and documents that previously escaped her grip.

" I'm extremely sorry," the woman and bowed again before she left the two, who were watching her figure turn smaller with every step he took. Unnoticed by her, her business card fell to the floor when she was walking, causing the orange-haired male to rub his chin before picking it up.

' Have I encountered her in the past? Was there perhaps someone I knew... who was as pretty as her that my heart beats faster whenever I'm with her... no Haise, you're tired, you're thinking things... agai-'

" Something dropped," Shirazu informed and handed the small piece of paper to Haise, who was examining it carefully. He stared at the card for a good few seconds before he let out a hearty chuckle.

' So that's her name..,' Sasaki smiled,
'( Y/n ) ( l/n ).'

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