Chapter Sixty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Holy shit," Mickey's eyebrows perked up, as if he didn't believe it. "How's that going?" 

"Good, actually," I laughed. "Who knew something my dad suggested would be benefitting me so much."

I told my best friend basically everything he'd missed in the last few weeks - such as the altercation that forced my dad to give me an ultimatum in the first place. I went deep into detail about Camila's plans for divorce, her unexpected run-in with Crystal, my therapy sessions, and the decision Camila and I made to try and fix our broken relationship. 

"Is it working?" he asked. "Are things better between you two?" 

"Extremely," I tried to fight back a goofy smile from taking over my face, but failed. "It's as if nothing ever happened. We're doing great, and I am not going to fuck it up again." 

I was extremely lucky to be granted the opportunity of a second chance. The time away I had from Camila showed me how much I loved her, and how much I needed her. She made me a better person and as I said to her before, I planned to spend the rest of my life making my mistakes up to her. At this point, I didn't see myself being with anybody else. She was all I wanted, from now and forever. 

"You've really grown up, Asher." Mickey noted, shaking his head as if he didn't believe it.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"At the beginning of last semester, when you two got married - you were immature. You wouldn't take responsibility, and always assumed everyone was wrong and you were right."

"Ouch," I frowned, though I knew he was right. And that was something I was trying to work on.

"But, I see that over the months, you've grown up. You've gotten better. Almost losing Camila really gave you a reality check that you needed."

"You're right," I nodded, agreeing with him. "And now that I have her back, I'm going to spend the rest of my life making it right."

"Rest of your life?" Mickey grinned, taking a sip from his Coors light bottle. I grabbed my water bottle from beside me, as I decided I was going to stay sober for the night. That was another thing I was working on. Trying to completely quit putting mind altering substances in my body. I hardly drank alcohol so that would be easy, but giving up marijuana was going to be difficult. Though after my three therapy sessions this far, I was learning easy ways to cut back which would ultimately result in giving up the drug for good. 

"Yeah," I fiddled with the cap on the water bottle. "I love her. I don't see myself with anybody else. I'm actually thinking of proposing to her," I smiled, saying this out loud for the first time. I'd been researching different wedding rings and prices, figuring I might as well give Camila a proper proposal since she never got one. Marriage came before a proposal, and although we went completely out of order, I was striving to give her each piece of a marriage that we had yet to uncover. 

"But you're already married," 

"Yeah, but I never got her a ring. She didn't take my last name, or any of that. I want to do everything, all the typical marriage shit."

"It's a little late for that, don't you think?"

"No," I shook my head, disagreeing with Mickey. "Just because we're already married doesn't mean Camila doesn't deserve an actual wedding."

"True," Mickey shrugged. "God man, you're whipped."

"I guess you could say that," I bit my lip to stifle the wide smile threatening to cover my cheeks. "I - "

"Hey losers!" the familiar voice of Kayla was heard just a few feet away, from the back porch of the cabin. "You coming in soon? We're about to play party games!"

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