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"Of course I'm casted as Kai." Chris told her fake swishing his non-existent long hair. "They can't film season six until you give them an answer and they get an actress."

"OI, LIV!" Tom shouted from the door in front of them. "Found her." Julie Plec stepped through the door the stand next to him.

"Miss Thompson, so glad I finally found you." She said, shaking Liv's hand. "Shall we go somewhere more private?"

"Of course Miss Plec." She turned to the boys walking backwards after Julie. "Find Rob, tell him where I am." She told them, before turning around and following Julie confidently into the lounge.

"Miss Thompson meet, Mr Somerhalder, Mr Wesley and Miss Graham." Julie told her as she entered the room.

"Hi," Liv said to the three of them raising a hand. "Evening to you all." She shook their hands and Julie handed her and the others a script. 

"There's two parts, I'd like you to read from, guys." Julie said. "The part where you meet in the prison world, and the part where you get out of the prison world and then something else. But that isn't relevant at the current time. Ok, whenever you're ready."

Liv looked at Julie, "Do I characterise, or?" 

"Of course, do what you need to get into character." Julie replied to her question.

Liv sat on the sofa and laid on her back. After memorizing the script, she was ready to go.

Ian started his line, "How are you not dead?"

"Well, it's kind of hard to explain." Liv said smirking, in character of course.

"Kai is smirking, blah blah blah." Julie explained.

"What are you smiling at?" Ian said in an annoyed tone.

"Nothing," Julie said filling Chris's line "You wanna tell them, or should I?" She looked toward Liv. This was the hard part, she had to recite the whole line without failing.

"I was born in 982 AD." Liv said unfazed. "I was turned in 1001 AD when I was eighteen and when Niklaus found out our father wanted to kill him, he went running; he took us with him. I was and still am a ripper, like your brother Stefan, from what I hear. So, when I massacred a whole village, let us just say that Niklaus wasn't delighted and had a witch make an object that could disable our aptitudes. What he didn't know is that, that 'object' would disable our whole ability to live." She explained.

"Meaning?" Kat chimed in.

"Meaning, Bon Bon, that we were put in a deep sleep once our hearts were infiltrated with this device." Liv answered, before sitting up and facing Kat.

"But how could they do that if you can't die, only white oak would be able to; but then, it would completely kill you?" Kat said.

"Good point," Liv said before looking towards Julie, smiling.

"Good point indeed," The woman answered, clapping. "Kat you may go if you wish."

"I'm staying to watch this." Kat said as both Olivia and Paul stood up. "Kill it, girl."

"I know it's been a couple of months brother, but that is no excuse to waste a perfectly good bottle of bourbon." Ian started the script.

"Damon? Is it really you?" Paul asked, in character, obviously.

"Yeah, yeah. It's him. I'm hungry can we go eat?" Liv said in an annoyed yet playful tone.

"Kaela?" Paul faked surprise. "I haven't seen you in years, how have you been?"

"Wait, you two know each other?" Ian asked, blushing, to create a more fun moment.

"OH! God no!" Olivia said suddenly "Remember when Steph over here went on a ripper bend in '93? We met then, spent about three months together, isn't that right Stefan."

"Those were some good months," Paul clarified nodding, as he walked up to his new friend and hugged her.

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