The Beach Episode

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hey... it me. i'm gonna be honest, as soon as i heard sapnap's pirate voice i was like: THIS IS GONNA BE FUN TO WRITE! so here we are... writing this out. it's going to be cannon compliant (somewhat) and i'm going to try and keep it very similar to the actual stream (besides the shit ton of killing george that took place... dream i'm looking at you) thank you guys for all the support on everything i've done so far, this fandom has been super amazing and it makes me want to make even more content. this took me super super long and worked really hard to make sure the dialog was 99% accurate. i love you guys <3

Word Count: 5782

Karl walked into the old library, coughing as he opened the door, dust flying through the air. Light poured in through the boarded windows, showcasing a withered leather book. He walked over and examined the book, the only thing not covered in dust. The front was worn, branding a scratched up blocky swirl.

"What the hell?" Karl said maneuvering the book around to look at it. He opened the book, seeing a few pages had already been filled. He read it aloud: "The Village That Went Mad" He flipped a few more pages quickly skimming through the story before he came upon empty pages. He rapidly flipped through, trying to understand what the book was exactly. He flipped back to the first empty page staring in wonder, feeling drawn to the book. Light filled the room blinding him, before everything went black.

"Dream, give me back my food!" A voice said. "I'm not saying a word until you give it back." He pouted.

"George, you're a whiny baby, okay, you don't need anymore." Another voice explained.

"Well there he goes." A third voice cuts in. Karl blinked opened his eyes, anxiety immediately consuming him. He felt warm sand underneath him as he looked around at the scenery that surrounded him. He was on an island, on that island stood five friends, all in their own world, laughing and teasing each other. He saw them running around and laughing as the guy who seemingly lost his food pouted off in a corner somewhere whose name he now knew was George.

"Guys, let's play volleyball, come on!" The voice, which had earlier called George a whiny baby, called.

"Let's play volleyball with Bad! Bad's the volleyball." A new voice called. He looked at direction the voice came from the see a blonde haired boy run past him in the direction of the volleyball court. The boy must not have noticed him at all, because if he had he definitely would've stopped and question him, but when another boy with half black half white hair ran past and didn't even spare a glance, Karl knew something was up.

'They can't see me.' He thought to himself. 'What the honk is happening?' He looked back up to see the two boys who ran past him pushing around the boy he now knew as Bad.

"I'M NOT A VOLLEYBALL GUYS STOP IT!" Bad yelled. They pushed and pushed until Bad finally fell to the ground.

"That's a point." Someone said.

"Wait who won?"

"Ranboo won." The blond said. 'Ok so he's Ranboo' He said trying to give everyone a name to their face.

"Oh wait someone gave me my food back." George said walking out of his corner and to his friends. Karl shook his head and something caught his eye. He glanced to his left and saw a large lighthouse.

"What's that?" He said aloud and everyone looked in his direction. Not necessarily at him but behind him.

"Guys there's a lighthouse over here!" Bad said walking in the direction of the large building. Everyone followed, curious as to what they could find.

"Wait that mean's there's ships near by." Ranboo rationalizes. They approach the lighthouse quickly realizing they can't get in.

"Just dig in." The blond says jokingly, squatting down and digging into the sand with his hands.

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