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My name is Angelina Messina and I moved 3 years ago from Italy to come to England and study at Oxford university on a scholarship. I know 4 languages italien,English, Spanish and french. And I was meant to fly back to Italy and spend Christmas with my family yet six months later I had no idea how life could change.

Six months ago

Angelina POV
It was Christmas Eve, and I was panicking to make sure I had everything ready to go home including gifts for my family my passport and plane ticket.

When my friends asked me to go out last night for a last night celebration before Christmas, I knew I had to stay home otherwise I would forget something like I always do.

I was running late as it is so I locked my apartment and called a taxi to leave to the airport with my bags.

it took a while to get to the airport, when we got onto the motorway it was filled with traffic. I made my way through security as quick as I could, as soon as I got out of security I looked at the screen with the plane times and realised my flight was boarding.

I was sprinting through the airport trying to doge people as my gate was closing soon, I was running so fast I knew I was going to fall over at some point.

As someone stepped out, I crashed into them making Me fall over. He gave me his hand to help me up, he was tall and since I was 5'5 he was literally towering over me.

He was extremely attractive but as soon as I realised my flight would be leaving any minute, I quickly grabbed my things and started running for my gate.

I shouted back 'thank you'

I eventually arrived at my gate after running that felt like forever with my heavy bags. I just had enough time left over to be able to board the plane. I went to to take my password out of my pocket that was supposed to have my boarding ticket but it just wasn't there.

They soon shut the gate and wouldn't let me through, there was no way I was able to get to my family for Christmas.

I started to fill my head with questions as I started to have a mini anxiety attack, like when what am I meant to do? Is there any other flights to Italy? Should I just give up? In the end I decided to give up and tell my parents I missed my flight.

I was walking past were I fell over and couldn't see any tickets so I wondered if I had left it in the taxi as I was about to leave, I felt someone touch my should and I jumped.

I turn around and realised it was the stranger that I bumped into earlier, he had dark brown eyes, He was dressed in a tight fitted suit and had dark brown hair.

He said ' I think you dropped this' in a strong italien accent
I replied back ' thank you but my plane has already left and there is no way I can go see my family for Christmas'.
I turned around and started to walk but he grabbed my arm to skin me around.
He sighed and said ' why don't you come with me on my private jet I am heading to Italy myself.'

This could be my only way to see them for Christmas there was actually hope to be able to see them so without thinking
I said ' yes thank you'

We headed to his private jet with one other person he looked more like a bodyguard, the only thing going through my mind was that he must have to be rich to have a private plane.

Once I got into his private jet it was nice it had a bathroom and bedroom in the back and comfortable couches in the front and a bar full of alcohol.

We both sat down, and we both sat there quietly as the plane was getting to leave, he asked me what my name was I told him it was Angelina and he replied with Danté.

We were in the air but not long after we left, he told me to be calm and don't freak out I had gut feeling that he knew something bed was going to happen.

But I had no idea what was about to happen until a bunch of men can out of the pilot section and held a gun towards danté head.

They tied us up and told us to be quite I have no idea what was happening, all I was thing was what did I get myself into.

Authors note
Thank you for reading for my first chapter
Let me know if there is anything I should add later in the story any ideas I want this story to be quite long.

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