The result of me watching 15x18

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"So Jack and Cas fixed this place up, eh?" Sam asked Dean as they drove back to Bobby's place in heaven.

"Yeah, apparently so."

"So does The Empty exist anymore? Are all the angels working under Jack's orders?"

"I would think so, man. I mean, maybe except the real dickheads. They're probably in hell."


Dean's mind immediately began to wonder. Cas. He must be in heaven, here, working for Jack. Here

But of course it can't be true. There would probably be some obstacle in the way to be able to see Cas. He was a Winchester, goddamnit; they never got what they wanted.

But was he not in Heaven? Even Bobby said that this place gives you a life deserved of you. 

Oh, but how could he dream this way? He didn't deserve Cas. Not Cas, and definitely not his love. 

"This place is like what I've always dreamed of, Dean."

Dean smiled. "You know, Sammy, Mum and Dad are here, too."

"Wait, you saw them?"

"Not yet, but that's why baby's here," Dean laughed, patting the side of his car. "I told you, I saw Bobby, and before I knew it, you were standing behind me like a little bitch."


Dean turned up the radio on the last stretch, hitting the sides of the steering wheel as a set of drums as Sam shook his head.


"How're you so sure he'll come back here? He might go see his parents." Bobby asked Cas, who was standing about a metre away, leaning against the post."

"He'll come to see you first, Bobby," he replied. He is planning to then see Mary and John."

"Oh, well I guess you're right," Bobby mused, watching the enlarging sillouette of Baby down the road. Cas' mouth lifted to a small smile.

In the Impala, Sam squinted at Bobby's little cabin.

"That's it, right?"

"Yeah, the little figure on the recliner should be Bobby."

"There are two little figures, Dean."

"Oh yeah, there are, too," Dean joined Sam to squint at them.

After a few moments, the scene became slightly clearer, but Sam had already given up the seemingly impossible game of trying to make out who the people were. That was, until he heard a tiny gasp from his left. 

"What is it, Dean?"

"Cas," he whispered. 


"That's Cas."


At this point, they were around fifty metres away from Bobby's cabin, and Dean stopped the car and got out instantly. 

Cas walked towards Dean and stopped a fair distance away, not wanting to invade his space. 

"Hello Dean." Cas' eyes were narrowed, for the sunlight shone directly onto his face, but his smile made up for it. 

Dean didn't stop awkwardly a few feet away from Cas, like he thought he would. Cas blinked, surprised but warmed, as Dean came in for a hug without hestitation. 

"Oh god, Cas, I missed you," Dean said lowly, still holding Cas in his arms. 

"I could sense it, Dean," he said, earning a chuckle.

When their arms slightly loosened, Dean shifted his hand to the back of Cas' head and gave him a tender kiss on the forehead.

Cas looked at him a moment afterward, still beaming.

"Um, Cas," Dean uttered a second later. "I- I need to tell you something." Cas understood the tone at once.

"Look, Dean, you don't need to be pressured into anything because of me. You need to take your time."

"No, Cas, you don't deserve this emotionally constipated wreck of a person, okay? I need to say this for the better of both of us." Dean's voice bore the frustration he held for himself. "You matter to me, Cas, you matter a hell of a lot to me."


"I love you Cas. I've loved you for so damn long, and I just shoved it down me because I didn't want to face my own emotions if I lost you." His eyebrows knit togther, and his eyes darting in every direction but that of the angel's face, he said these words seemingly as if he had to use every muscle to drop the weight from his shoulders.

"Oh, Dean." This time it was Cas who took Dean into an embrace. This one lasted a few seconds longer, and ended in Dean whispering, "Thanks, Cas."

"I'll always come when you call, Dean."

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