Tour struggles

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Mitch was getting ready for tour when he heard the bus outside. He got all his luggage and walked out the front door.

He saw Scott on the phone, sitting on the couch and Mitch walked up to him "hey." Scott looks up and gives a half smile.

Mitch sits down across from him "where's Mark?" Scott sighs as he goes back to his phone "he's joining us on the second leg of tour." Mitch nodded "look, I-" Mitch cuts himself off he just couldn't tell Scott. Not right now anyways.

Scott rose an eyebrow "yes?" Mitch shook his head "nothing." He then got up and went to his bunk. He sighed as he opened the curtain to his bunk and jumped almost two feet off the ground in fear.

He composed himself and tried to act normal as he whispered "Carlos? I thought you were...gone." Carlos sighed "I thought so too. But you didn't tell Scott the L-word."

Mitch scoffs "yes, I my past life. Now it's just...awkward. I think he still hates me." Carlos nods "yeah. Whatchu gonna do about it?" Mitch looked back at Scott who was laughing at something Matt said.

"Maybe it's not meant to be." Carlos rose his eye brow "you're kidding...right?" Mitch groans "you know what? I'm tired so if you could please remove yourself from my bunk, thank you very much."

Carlos dissappeared and Mitch got in his bunk and closed the curtain. He just wanted to be left alone.
"Thank you so much!" Mitch yelled at the crowd as he walked off the stage with Kirstie, Matt, Scott and Kevin.

"Yooo, the crowd was so hype!" Kevin exclaimed as Matt nodded "I'm so pumped, who wants to go clubbing?" They all raised their hands and changed out of their outfits to get ready for the club.

At the club Mitch was sitting by the bar while Scott, Kirstie, Matt and Kevin danced and laughed.

"Hey there hot stuff." This man said as he sat down next to Mitch "you look like you're lonely." Mitch rose an eyebrow "I'm not. I like being alone."

The man put his hand on Mitch's thigh "you're a tough one aren't you." Mitch moved the hand off his thigh "I am, so don't touch me again."

The man bit his lip and decided to not listen as he put his hand back on the thigh.

"Or you'll have to answer to me." Mitch heard the familiar voice behind him and turned to see Scott. The man puffed out his chest and stood up. Even if he was still 2 feet shorter than him.

"And what you gonna do about it?" Scott looked him up and down "fuck you up." The man tried to throw a punch but Scott dodged it and punched the other guy square in the jaw.

Mitch stood up and tried to pull Scott back as a fight broke out and Matt and Kevin assisted him as Kirstie watched in pure terror.

When Matt and Kevin finally got Scott off the other guy they pulled him outside and Scott finally shook his hand "fuck." He whispered as Mitch saw.

He went next to Scott once they got back on the tour bus and gave a shy smile "thank you." Scott rolled his eyes "whatever."

That's when Mitch lost it "What the actual fuck is your problem." Scott was shocked at Mitch's outburst and the whole bus became silent as they all witnessed the scene in front of them "Fine! You wanna be this way? I don't care anymore. You act like everything's ok between us around the band but then when it's just you and me you can't even look me in the eyes. You are so fucking pathetic! Just because I made a comment about your relationship or how I felt about it doesn't mean you should treat me like shit, because guess what? Not everyone is going to be so fucking supportive of you and your man so grow the fuck up Scott!"

Mitch was about to walk away but turned back around as he yelled "and I'm still angry but I am not a dick! So thank you and you better receive my thanks because whatever is not an ok answer!" Scott looked paralyzed as he gulped "your welcome."

Mitch nodded and walked back to his bunk. He closed the curtain and just laid there. He hated this. He hated the fact that all this time he wanted Scott's forgiveness when he really did nothing wrong.

Scott is a dick who needed to be put in his place but Mitch hated that he still had feelings for the tall blonde.

The rest of tour was very very bumpy. Scott avoided Mitch, Mitch avoided Scott. Scott had his boyfriend on the second leg of tour and Mitch picked up a different guy everytime they went to a new place.

Pentatonix was so broken right now Mitch didn't even know if Pentatonix was still going to be a thing after this tour.

It was now the last day of tour and Mitch wanted to get through this as quickly as possible.

"I can do this. I can do this." He walked to where the group met back stage and Scott unexpectedly said "good luck." Mitch looked his way " too."

After that the group did their prayer circle and then started off the show.

After the show Mitch was in his dressing room changing when Carlos appeared "hey." Mitch looked his way "Oh! You're popping in like a normal person now?"

Carlos furrowed his eyebrows "I'm not a person." Mitch smirked "Right! You're a ghost." Carlos gasped "Angel. I'm an Angel." Mitch rolled his eyes and Carlos sighed "Mark is gonna propose to Scott."

Mitch stopped everything he was doing "when?" Carlos looked down "in 2 days." Mitch sat down on the sofa "so...I either tell Scott my feelings and maybe have a chance...or I let him go. And be miserable."

Carlos nodded "I'm sorry Mitch...but you have to tell him like tomorrow."

"WHY ARE YOU RUSHING ME?!" Mitch said and Carlos snapped his fingers and dissapeared.

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