I Love you..

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Mitch couldn't get out of bed, he just couldn't...but he knew that if he didn't then he was screwed.

Carlos appeared and groaned "what are you doing?" Mitch's head snapped to him "n-nothing." Carlos sighed "you're stalling." Mitch scoffed "I am not."

"MITCHIE?!" Mitch heard Scott call from the hallway. He looked at Carlos "hide me." Carlos rolled his eyes "today's your last day to fix this." Mitch sighed "how? I mean, you said it yourself...when I tell him here I'm just going to tell him over there."

At that time Scott bursted in through the door "Heyyyy." Mitch sat up a little "hey." Scott pouted "that wasn't as enthusiastic as my hey." Mitch rolled his eyes and Scott said "so....I was thinking, today's an off day so how about we go shopping."

Mitch giggled "I would love that." Scott clapped "great, get dressed and let's go." He left the room and Mitch got up.

He looked in the mirror and took a few deep breaths "I can do this...I can do this."

"You sure can" Mitch jumped at the voice "do I need to get you a bell?" Carlos shrugged "when are you going to tell him?" Mitch shrugged "I don't know."

Carlos raised an eyebrow "what do you mean you don't know?" Mitch sighed "I mean I don't know."

Carlos sighed "you're running out of time Mitch." Mitch crossed his arms "you don't think I know that?" Carlos looked down and Mitch is on the verge of tears "this whole time I've been so close to telling him every time I see him. I want to shout it from the rooftops. Every time he walks into the damn room my heart stops. Butterflies swarm my stomach, I start seeing hearts. I just don't wanna ruin our friendship." Carlos scoffed "who fucking cares?!"

Mitch stepped back a little at Carlo's raised voice. Carlos continues "He loves you, you love him.....you two will work. You already act in love. What's the difference if you two were really in love?"

Mitch looks away "I don't know...ok? I just don't know." At that time, Mitch heard Scott say "Mitch?"

Mitch yelled back "yes?"

"Are you ok in there?" Mitch nodded "yeah, I'm fine...don't worry about it." Scott nodded "ok?"

Mitch quickly finished everything and then came out of the bathroom. Scott grabbed the car keys and said "let's go shopping." Mitch nodded "can we pretty please get Starbucks?"

Scott laughs "whatever you want babe." Mitch's eyes widen "what?" Scott notices his expression "what's wrong? I thought we always called each other babe."

Mitch forced a smile "right, um, yeah...let's just go."

When Mitch and Scott drive to Starbucks they walked up to the desk and the women at the counters eyes widened when she saw them.

Well not them.

"OMG YOU'RE SCOTT HOYING! I'm a huge fan of Pentatonix. So what can I get for you today?" She said in an attempt to flirt.

Mitch shied away and Scott noticed "um, well...he's in Pentatonix too." The girl looked Mitch up and down with disgust "are you sick?"

Mitch was taken back with the question "sorry?" The girl crossed her arms "you used to be fat and now you're like a twig. Just saying, if you're anorexic then you should really think about all the teen girls who are thinking that it's ok to lose all that weight by throwing up."

Mitch looked at Scott who was already looking at Mitch like he was surprised. Mitch was already done with this girl "ok, I am not anorexic or bulimic or whatever the fuck. I'm just vegan."

This is around the time he went vegan...right?

The girl rolled her eyes "what can I get you sweet cakes" she said looking back at Scott with a smile on her face.

Scott tried his best to keep calm. "I'll have a venti caramel frap, what about you Mitchie?" Mitch was looking down in shame as Scott said "do you want your usual?" Mitch meekly nodded and Scott ordered "and a venti black raspberry tea."

The girl rung the orders up and took Scott's money. She started making the drinks and Scott turned towards him "don't worry about her. She's a bitch." Mitch giggled a little "you can't say that about a fan."

Scott chuckled "she's a disrespectful fan. I can say whatever I want." Mitch giggled and when they got there drinks Mitch was scared to drink his drink.

"What if she poisoned it?" Scott laughed "then we'll sue." Mitch took a sip and after deciding it wasn't poisoned they left to go to the mall.

They had so much fun but everytime they did something fun or crazy, Mitch just thought about how he was going to tell Scott how much he loved him.

When they finally got home, Scott sat on the couch and Mitch sat next to him "hey, um...Scott? Can we talk?" Scott nodded "of course. What's up?"

Mitch took in a deep breath and when he saw Carlos out of the corner of his eye he knew it was either now or never.

"I love you."

Scott smiled "I love you too Mitchie." Mitch shook his head. This was harder than he thought.

"No...I love love you."

Scott furrowed his eyebrows in confusion until it finally dawned on him "Oh..." Mitch started panicking.

"Oh?" He questioned as Scott looked Mitch dead in the eyes. Mitch started freaking out "I shouldn't....I shouldn't have told you anything I just...I just....I thought, I'm so stupid. I can't-" Mitch was cut off by a pair of lips on his.

When they pulled away from each other Scott smiled "I love you too." Mitch blushed and Scott pulled Mitch into his side "what took you so long to tell me?" Mitch shrugged "I guess I was scared, I mean, then there was Alex." Alex and Scott had already been broken up during this time so he didn't have to worry about coming between them.

But when he goes back though...

Mitch sighed, it was 11pm and he was scared, terrified even. To go back to his old life, to have to tell Scott his feelings all over again.

It could go one of two ways. Scott tells him he loves him and leaves Mark for him...orrrrr....Scott tells Mitch to get out of his face and there friendship is never the same again.

"I'm terrified..." Mitch mumbled as sleep was threatening to take over.

Scott rubbed his arms "for?" Mitch then muttered "the future."

Scott kissed the top of Mitch's forehead, "don't be. I love you and you love me. We are going to get an actual house and not this tiny dink apartment. We're going to adopt two beautiful kids. And make it so that at least one of them is a girl-" Mitch smiled "so we can make her our own Blue Ivy?"

Scott chuckled "of course. I love you Mitchie. Never forget that" Mitch looked at the time.

It showed 11:58pm

Mitch closed his eyes as he said "I won't." But what he thought was...

But you will.

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