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Life is a funny thing, it is like a terrifying roller coaster, full of twists and turns, some parts are gut droppingly awful and other parts are exhilarating. My life had always been pretty normal, mundane and boring really, I lived a simple and sheltered life with nothing out of the ordinary ever occurring.

But that's the thing about life, it never fails to amaze, one minute you're going about your daily 9-5 routine and next a torrential sh*t storm is sent your way, I always believed that I had a choice, that my life was mine for the taking and I could somewhat control my future.

How wrong I was....... turns out we have no control over the path we take, because its already set out for you, there is no choice, these crazy events are part of life and cannot be avoided.

Naturally, I would soon find this out in the worst way possible, shortly after my 21st birthday my world was ripped apart and flipped, upside down, sideways, and horizontal.

Apparently, life is a real cruel sneaky b*tch, it creeps up on you, makes you think everything is okay.... And then BAM! reality full force b*tch slaps you in the face.

As I said my life was normal, I was raised by my grandparents and knew very little of my birth parents, they died in a horrific car accident when I was 4, I have very few memories of them, and the memories I do have are cloudy and indistinguishable. This never really bothered me, I love my grandparents they are the only family I have ever known, and I swear they are both absolute angels. My childhood was idyllic and close to perfect, my grandparents are kind and wise and supportive, they have all the time in the world for me, and to say they spoilt me with affection would be an understatement, I was very lucky, I had a crappy start to life, but my grandparents made sure that they more than made up for it.

My grandparents own an old cobblestone cottage, a beautiful period home that was well over 150 years old, the cobblestones were large and mis-shapen, ranging from shades of browns to shades of grey and orange, scattered unevenly across the walls like leaves strewn across the forest floor in autumn. The roof was dark terracotta, with curved edged uneven tiles, complementing the stone walls and giving off an inviting and warm appearance.

Large, rounded windows with black diamond shaped veining framed the walls and completed the authentic aged look. Dark Ivy and bright pink and yellow roses sprawled across the stonework walls, creeping across every inch of the cottage, almost smothering it, appearing to cling to thin air. The cottage itself was modest sized and sat on several acres of land, hidden by a dense, lush forest shrouded in secrecy and with no nearby neighbours, it was the ultimate countryside home.

Completely concealed from the world, if not for the long shingle driveway snaking through the forest and pouring out into a large wrap-around drive. It was a breath takingly beautiful home, and I loved every characteristic nook and imperfect crevice of it, the perfect sheltered place to grow up.

My name is floribelle benicio , and up until my 21st my life was pretty unexciting , a few months before my birthday things started to get pretty weird, strange things started happening, and even now I don't fully understand the events that unfolded in those peculiar months, too be honest its completely unbelievable and would blow anyone's mind if I even attempted to explain it, if I was even allowed to explain myself I don't think I could find the right words for the whirlwind sh*t storm that occurred.

I had just graduated university, 3 years of studying biochemistry and botany and still no clue what to do with my future. It was the beginning of the summer holidays, and I had returned home to try and get a job and finally get my life on track. that was the plan, until he showed up and ripped my world apart.

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