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In class 77th, you can see Gundham Tanaka doing chuuni shit, with a bear.

Fuyuhiko: What is this?

Sonia: How cute!

Kazuichi: Getting close would be dangerous!

Gundham: Don't worry. Grizner will only bare his fangs against a demon that's many times higher than himself.

Y/N: Is that why it was trying to attack me?

Sonia: Am I a low-ranked demon?

Kazuichi: Sonia is...

Y/N: Don't. That's not gonna work.

Kazuichi: *Sad kazoo noises*

Mahiru: So... Why is there a bear in classroom? And what is Y/N doing here?

Mahiru turned to the side and sees Hiyoko placing a flower on Nagito's desk.

Hiyoko: And here it goes!

Mahiru: Huh? What are doing?

Hiyoko: What do you mean by "what"
It's the first anniversary of Nagito's death.

Mahiru: H-he's not dead! He was just suspended!

Y/N: *Sigh* Sometimes I can still hear his voice...

Mahiru: Again, he's not dead!

Y/N: Listen here Mahiru, my humor is on par to a baby trying to do stand up.

Nekomaru: But it seems like they can't get in contact with him.

Akane: Man, what's he up to?

Y/N: Probably got into a plane crash, in the desert next to a waterfall, and is butt naked taking a shower in the waterfall.

Mahiru: That's... Oddly specific.

(In a desert)

A crashed plane is laying in the hot sands, next to a waterfall. And someone taking a shower in said waterfall while singing.

It was Nagito Komaeda.

Nagito: To think I found this place, right after the plane crash stranded me in the desert... I really am lucky, huh?

Y/N: Come to think of it, where's Mikan?

Ibuki: If it's Mikan you're talking about, she went somewhere with Ryota.

Fuyuhiko: Those two have been close recently, huh?

Kazuichi: Perhaps right now they're... Doing some "extra curricular activity", just the two of them!

Teruteru: Here!

Teruteru had a donut and a banana in his hands, he gave Kazuichi the donut.

Y/N: Donut do this.

Teruteru: Somewhere in the school building... Tsumiki's donut, and Mitarai's banana...

Kazuichi's face is what the author could only describe as shock, sweat poured down his face, as Teruteru was slowly bringing his banana to Kazuichi's donut.

Y/N: Grizner! I choose you!

Teruteru: Are about to mee-

Grizner complied with the command, and ate the banana and donut, with the hands holding it.

Kazuichi/Teruteru: Ahhhhhh!

Gundham: Karmic retribution, be slain by darkness!

Mahiru: So again, why is there a bear?

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