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The whole kingdom was in standstill. Guards had came and taken him in a carriage to the town square. Taehyung was told to wait in the carriage till they call for him.

The town square was a massive arena, with a big podium in the middle.
People were already gathered, it was becoming noisy cause they were all talking at the same time.

Taehyung takes in a deep breath, he places his hand on his stomach.

"I'm fighting for you my child, I hope one day I get to see you grow up in your father's kingdom"

He smiles through his tears.


Jungkook at the moment didn't care about what happened to the omega anymore. He had tried his best to save him but it seems Taehyung didn't want to be saved.

The chief priest has already been summoned. Taehyung's fate has been sealed.

The carriage comes to a stop, Jungkook stepped down, everyone go on their knees, the crowd makes way for him to go up to the lifted part on the square.

Everyone was here already, from the council to the ministers to every priest in the land, to the chief priest, and Jungkook can also see the Harlem omegas.

He walks up to the stage and asked everyone to stand up, before taking his seat motioning to the council to starts.

Choi stood up and moved to address the people.

"I know some of you have heard why this gathering was called today and for those that still don't know, an omega has claimed the king got him pregnant." The mumurs starts at once. Choi lifts his hand and the crowd goes quite. "He said he is ready to go through anything including swearing before the gods by the hands of the chief priest"

The crowd goes quiet, then they were all talking at same time again

Choi motion for the guards to bring the omega

Jungkook won't lie he felt nervous, he just couldn't help it.

The moment the omega is brought on the podium the crowd goes quite again. Taehyung looks well rested, there was no hint of fear in his scent, nothing to tell if the male is nervous or not.

Maybe he is on blocker

Jungkook has never seen anyone as bold as this boy.

Their eyes meet and Jungkook holds his breath, he couldn't look away.

Then the boy smirks? turning to face the crowd

Jungkook blinks, because what? He looked around to see if anyone saw that. What in the name of the gods is going through Taehyung's head, does he know the gravity of the situation he's in?

"Do you mind telling everyone here what you told us yesterday?" Choi asked

"I am pregnant with your majesty's child" came the bold and loud words

The crowd breaks out louder this time,everyone having something to say.

It goes quite as the chief priest stands up.

Taehyung has heard so much about the chief priest but he wasn't expecting the man to look this small, litreally.

The male walked towards him.

"Are you on any blocker omega"


"What is you name"

"Kim Taehyung"

'And you say the king is responsible for the child inside you.?"


"And you are ready to swear?"

"Yes" Taehyung didn't hesitate, he was ready for everything.

The male motion for other priests. One was carrying a big bowl that had some kind of black liquid in it.

"Kneel down omega"

Taehyung gets on his knees. The bowl was placed in front of him.
The priests surrounds him forming a circle.

They held their hands together and start speaking in a language Taehyung didn't know existed.

He looked up to see their eyes closed face so serious, from this position they actually look funny, Taehyung had to remind himself he is in a serious situation, so he doesn't start laughing.

From the space between the priest he could see the crowd. Taehyung doesn't even want to imagine what some of them would be thinking, some probably wants him dead.

Taehyung should be scared right now cause they're bunch of people in white garment surrounding him and speaking in a language he has no clue of, but he feels no fear, all the nerves that was eating him up is go-

"Today omega Kim Taehyung claim the child growing in him is king Jungkook's child." The chief priest starts making the other priests stop their actions, breaking the circle.

The chief priest takes the cup inside the bowl, filled it with the blackish liquid, and lift it up above his head

"Kim Taehyung will swear before the goddes of the moon,the god of thunder and lightning, sukkuuk the god of harvest. If this omega is lying, if the child is not his majesty's, he will die before he gives birth to this child, the child will die before it sees this world. But if the child this omega is carrying is your majesty's, if the gods have finally smiled on this kingdom and broken a century curse through this omega, he will live through it, he will deliver this child safely."

Immediately the sky darkens, lightening strikes, then a rumble followed by loud bang of thunder.

Taehyung was definitely not the only one afraid right now.

How did he do that? He wants to ask.
Not the time Taehyung, focus

It was gone as fast as it starts. The sky cleared up again like nothing happened.

"Stand up omega"

Taehyung nods and stood up

"Do you still insist the king is responsible for your pregnancy?"

Taehyung knows this is the Chief priest giving him a last chance.

The crowd has gone even quieter Taehyung is sure no one is breathing at this point.

He turns his head to where the king is sitting, their eyes meets.
The king looks expectant too, no, more like pleading? Taehyung doesn't know what the king is pleading for.

He makes sure he maintains the eye contact. As he let out a bold and loud


The reaction is instant, gasps and mumurs, the king's reaction was amusing. The king looks like he definitely wasn't expecting him to say yes and so is the rest of the people here.

He just throw away his last chance he must really wants to die, is definitely the thoughts going through everyone's head now. Not that they would've let him freely walk away if he decided to turn back now.

"Take this and drink it" Taehyung snapped his head back to the man in front of him.

He took the cup.

Again silence in the town square

He looked back to the shocked crowd and smiles

Before bringing the cup to his lips.




THE CURSED KING // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now