Chapter 2

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"Charlotte, where have you been?" Mom cried out in frustration as soon as she heard me step through the front door. That was all I needed to know that things were still unhinged. 

I had already carefully crafted my cover story. There was absolutely no way I was going to tell her I'd been at the cemetery. There had only been one time I was honest about visiting him, and mother threw the hugest fit. I knew saying anything now would just make things even worse.

"I went back to the therapist this morning. After I left I went on a walk in the park just to mull over what we talked about. The trees look so beautiful covered in the snow." I stated light heartedly. I had in fact gone to the therapist before visiting the cemetery. It was all part of my plan and also the only way to earn some slack from my parents.

"Oh that's great; how did it go?" She questioned as if she hadn't already talked to my therapist. She was very close friends with my mother and the whole doctor-patient confidentiality thing was a load of crap, at least where I was concerned. 

"It went really well. I feel like I have a lot to think about, but that I'm taking progressive steps." I was taking progressive steps, just not in the direction my parents intended. "I have to meet with my group tonight. Our final project is due tomorrow and we have to polish off the presentation." 

"I don't know if I'm comfortable with you going out then you won't be home until late. You know how sensitive the babies are to noise. They wake up every time you open the door." Mom began to protest.

"I'll stay at Jacquline's tonight. Her mom already invited me over for family dinner, so I know it's okay. I have to participate in this project or I will fail the course." I tried to speak gently as not to alarm her. I didn't want to ruin everything I had planted while in therapy. 

"Oh, okay. Well be careful," She said curtly before returning her attention back to her little princess.

I had spent the week going through my things trying to come up with a mental list of anything I could possibly need. I had already packed my laptop, a prepaid phone that was already activated, various personal items, and my own wooden box similar to Talon's our grandfather had given me. 

I hadn't packed an over night back yet, because I didn't want my parents to get suspicious. They riffled through my things constantly when I was gone, so I didn't want to give them more reason to question me. I quickly grabbed a few essentials and stuffed the bag shut. I stuffed my makeup bag, contact case, and spare glasses into my oversize purse. I looked around the room searching for anything else that might be useful. The neat room was full of shiny nice items, but nothing that I couldn't replace or live without. 

I heard Mom down the hall playing with Spencer and Kyle, so I tiptoed downstairs silently setting my duffle bag next to the front door. I saw that the door to the study was open and tiptoed over to see if Dad was inside. I hadn't seen his car outside, but I didn't want to invade his space since I wasn't actually aloud in there. The coast was clear, so I slipped inside hearing that Mom was still upstairs preoccupied with the babies. I knew there was a stash of money hidden in one of the books in the bookcase. I had overheard it once from one of those conversations that abruptly stopped when I entered the room. I found it quickly and replaced the everything, so it looked exactly as it had. 

I slipped out of the office after burying the money at the bottom of the bag. I heard Mom coming down the stairs, so I decided to meet her in the kitchen.

"I'm leaving now," I told her simply.

She made a small noise of acknowledgement, but her sole focus was on the babies running around at her feet and the little girl in her arms. That just made it even easier for me to slip away. 


There was one more place I wanted to stop before I fled. I needed to see Jacqueline. She had been with me through some of my darkest hours. She cared for me like a sister would. She stood by me when Talon died, through all the nonsense with my parents, anytime I had boy problems. She was there through all of it.

"Charlie, hey! Are you okay? It sounded like something was wrong when you were on the phone earlier." Jack pulled me inside her house and up to her room without wasting anytime.

"I can't tell you much, but I'm leaving. I hated to even stop here incase anyone thought you were involved and to keep my parents from harassing you, but I had to say goodbye." I whispered quietly, even though I knew no one else was home.

"Okay," She said slowly. I could see the questions rolling around inside her head, but she was a good best friend. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"No, I got everything I could think of from my house. I drained my bank account on the way over here. I should be good to go." I shook my head still trying to think of anything else I could possibly need. 

"Charlie, if you're running, I know you're doing it for a reason. You're doing the right thing. Take care of yourself. Try and keep your head down and stay out of trouble." Jacqueline gave me a firm hug. She pulled away and walked over to her nightstand drawer.

"I know you probably have a lot more, but every little bit helps. Take this," She folded a wad of money into my palm and forced my fingers closed around it.

"Girl, I can't take that. I know how long you've been saving up." I shook my head trying to give her the money back. 

"Take it, you're in trouble and you need it more than me. I love you," She hugged me again as we approached the front door. 

"I love you too. I'll get in touch with you when I think everything is safe. It will probably be a while, but we're best friends for life. There's no way you're getting rid of me." I whispered back fighting tears. Before either of us could say anything else, I opened the door and quickly climbed in my car. I was just checking both ways when I noticed a white sheet of paper sitting in the passenger seat. 

I picked it up scanning the note quickly.



I'm impressed. I didn't peg you as a light packer. I killed all the tracking devices your parents had planted on everything. Ditch your phone near the campus library.

Your friend, 



I quickly looked outside to see if there was anyone lurking close by, but there wasn't a soul in sight. Still, I felt like I was being watched. This person had given me a treasure of Talon's belongs and had now broken into my car and gone through my things. How did I know that he wasn't one of the bad guys? 

I didn't and that scared me. 

Regardless, it's not like I had much to go off of at this point, so I did what I was told. I pulled out of the driveway heading towards campus. I ended up dropping my phone in one of the trashcans in the library. Then I took of towards the only place I could think of. 

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