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The three boys rolled their eyes at her as they all stayed silent. Nina pulled her backpack to her chest as she opened her mouth to speak again but stopped when she heard the voice of her ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend talking to him as they walked past the table. Normally when the couple walked past the table of the four friends, Nina couldn't hear their conversation which she had always been thankful for.

Jared may have broken her heart but at least he did his best to not rub his new relationship in her face in the month the pair had been broken up. He still cared about her more than he cared to admit and always tried to keep his relationship to himself. He didn't want her to hurt more than she already was.

The girl absentmindedly messed with the zipper of her bag as she listened to the boys discuss how their classes had gone so far that day.

"Are you going to eat?"

Nina looked up at Jacob's words, snapping out of her thoughts to see all three of her friends staring at her. She gave them a sheepish smile as she nodded. The girl unzipped her backpack and pulled out a small ziplock baggie filled with chewy chocolate chip cookies.

"You can't only eat cookies, Nini," Embry told the girl with a small frown.

"Dad said as soon as I get home, we're going over to the Clearwater's and eating there," Nina shrugged as she took a bite out of one of the cookies. "I'll be fine."

"Loca, come on. At least take my apple slices," Jacob spoke softly as he pushed his food toward the girl. "Don't let him affect you like this."

Quil and Embry both froze before turning to look at Nina who was slowly looking up from the table. Her eyes landed on Jacob as she glared at him.

"I would never let a stupid boy affect how I take care of myself. God, Jake. I'm just not hungry. Oh, and if you call me 'loca' one more time I will punch you in the throat."

Nina grabbed her backpack and her baggie of cookies as she stood from the table and walked out of the cafeteria. Quil let out a low whistle as he looked back at Jacob who looked defeated. Embry looked between the two other boys with raised eyebrows.

"Someone's on her period," Embry mumbled before stealing one of Jacob's apple slices.

"Dude don't say that! She's going to kill us if she finds out you said that," Quil whispered as his face held a look of fear.

Embry rolled his eyes before going to grab another one of Jacob's apple slices only to get his hand slapped away. Jacob let out a loud sigh before looking around the cafeteria. When he saw Seth Clearwater walking, his face brightened.

"Hey, Seth!"

The younger boy looked toward the boy when he heard his name, smiling as Jacob waved him over. He quickly walked toward the older boy's table and greeted the three sitting boys.

"Hey, bud. Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure," Seth nodded with a wide smile. "Anything man."

The older boy looked around, making sure Nina wasn't still in the cafeteria. The last thing he needed was for her to find out what he was about to do. He was just watching out for her because he worried about her but he wasn't sure how she'd see it.

"Tonight, when Nina goes to your house for dinner, make sure she eats. Don't pressure her into it or anything. Just make sure she eats please," Jacob said in a quieter voice than he had been using before.

Seth's smile widened at the mention of the Shay girl and all three of her friends noticed. He gripped the straps of his backpack a little tighter and looked at the ground before looking back at the boys again.

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