Chapter Twenty-Three: Midnight Meetings.

Start from the beginning

I looked at him baffled, “You can’t possibly be here the ENTIRE night!!”

“Why not? Your bed is so good & comfortable.” Drake said, falling on my bed, “And your bed is big enough for two teenagers.”

He smirked as he said that with a roguish glint in his eyes.

“If I agree to go with you, will you drop your plans of spending the night in my room?” I asked him with hope.

“Yes I would.”

“Fine. But how do I move out of the house? The front doors are locked & I’ve no clue about the keys.” I muttered, feeling stupid.

“You can move out just the way I came in here---through the window with the ladder.”

“You ought to be joking on this!!” I exclaimed when I walked to the window with him, “If at all I fall off the ladder from this height, I would break all my bones when I hit the ground!!”

“Nothing of that sort will happen. I will show you.”

Drake got on the parapet of the window, gripped the ladder with both hands & climbed down down down until he had his feet on the ground.

“Now your turn!!” he called, looking up at me.

I could feel the lines of panic coming on my face.

“C’mon Nosey! You’ll be fine. You honestly can’t be this scared!”

Yes, I don’t want to show him how much I’m freaked out right now. Taking a deep breath & sending a prayer to all the Gods that I know of, I mounted on the ladder. In no way am I gonna look below. I climbed down one step. You can’t even imagine how shit scared I was. Don’t know why am I even doing this for Drake of all people. I better close my eyes. I might feel a bit better of the fat that I was hanging in mid air, clung to a creaky ladder.

“Open your eyes Nosey. You might miss a step & lose your balance!”

I snapped my eyes open, alarmed out of my wits. Setting my fear aside, I focused on going down the ladder safely. I felt my blood circulation restart as soon as I touched the ground. Phew!

“Good job.” he remarked.

I gave him a sulking look.

Exactly ten minutes later, we were in the car & he was driving me to this place that I still know not of. We hid the ladder in the bushes cause I would have to use it again to get into my room. Damn!! Hopefully, my family will continue to remain fast asleep & know not of my absence in the house.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked him.

“You will soon come to know.” he responded like how they do in detective novels.

“Are you kidnapping me by any chance?” I quizzed suspiciously.

“Yeah. I’m a member of an underworld mafia. Happy?” he smiled sarcastically.

I frowned, “I shouldn’t have trusted you & come along. You are taking me to a jungle & will feed me to the lion. The lion must be waiting for food which is me.”

I mumbled anxiously.

“You deserve to be kept in a museum for your antics.” he said in amusement.

I frowned harder at him & then looked away. I heard him chuckling.

“Everything is fine with me as long as you don’t land both of us in jail.” I said.

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