Chapter Seven

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*A/N I am so sorry for the wait! We found out that my neice has cancer, and things have just been crazy. I'm sorry. Oh, and to stop any confusion, Zayn and Liam have to be seen to hold and touch objects, unless the object is from transfer, like Liam's notebook and pen.*

We watch them cuddle for a few more minutes. "Time to enrole in scholl Liam." I say, breaking the silence. He looks at me, then takes a phone out of his pocket. "Where did you-" "Check your pocket." I reach in and pull an iphone out. "Oh cool!" Liam makes sure they are asleep, before becoming seen. He then reaches into Niall's packpack that is on the floor, and pulls out his planner. "Perfect." He says, looking at a phone number written inside. It is on some list of important numbers on the inside of the front cover. He walks back over to me. He starts to leave the room, but I don't move. I don't wanna leave them alone. I need to watch over Harry, and make sure Niall doesn't pull anything, theoretically and litteraly. "Come one Zayn!" I sigh and follow. Liam is still able to be seen, so we have to be sneaky. We manage to make it outside, and Liam dials the number. "I hope it isn't to late in the day." He says. He places it on speaker. "Hello? This is Beackem High." (A/N If it isn't obvious, I totally just made that up in like, ten seconds) "Hello. My friend and I were wondering about enrolling." "Oh of course. How old are you?" "I am 18, and my friend is also." He lies, seeing as 19 is to old for school. "Okay good, so you can enroll yourselves. Let me get you first. What is your full name, and spelling?" "Liam, L-i-a-m, James, J-a-m-e-s, Payne, P-a-y-n-e." Silence. "Okay. What school did you go to before now?" Liam looks panicked. "I was homeschooled." I say, in my best Liam inpersonation. She thinks it's him. "Okay, great." They go through the basic questions. We repeat the cycle with me. She tells us to come for a tour tomarrow. She hangs up. "With all that information, is she gonna figure out that Zayn Malik and Liam Payne died?" He asks me. I shrug. We go back inside, and what I see horrifies me. They don't know what's happening, since they are sleeping. But they have shifted so Niall is spooning Harry. You might wonder what is so bad about that. What is so bad about it, is that NIALL HAS HIS HAND DOWN THE FRONT OF HARRY'S JEANS! Please tell me his hand isn't in the boxers too. I really, really hope not. Liam puts the planner back, and turns unseen again. He follows my eyes, and smirks. "Hot." Is all he says. "LIAM!" I scream. He covers his ears. "You are so lucky they can't hear you." I walk over them. "Zayn." Liam says cautiously. I have to do this, or I'll cut this fake blond's hand off. I turn seen, and slowley grab his hand. "ZAYN STOP IT!" Liam yells. I slowly start to pull the hand out, and to my horror, the hand was inside his boxers. I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him. When I manage to get the hand halfway out, Niall stirs. "Crap!" I let go and turn unseen. He slowly opens his eyes. He looks at Harry and a small smile grows. Then he notices where his hand is, and yanks it away as if burned. Good. He looks at his hand horror stricken. "I'm sorry babe. I didn't mean to voilate you." He wispers. Harry stirs. "Is mmkay." He mutters, before turning and pressing his face into Niall's chest. Niall sighs. "To cute." He mumbles. He adjusts himself a little bit to get more comfortable. He closes his eyes, then opens them again. "Da*n." He mutters. He grabs Harry, and tries to slowley lift him off, and to not wake him up. He wakes anyways. See what you did you dumb blond! You woke him up! Way to go! "Where is you goin'?" He slurs, still asleep. Harry grabs at Niall's shirt. Niall smiles. "Harry sweetie, you have to let go so I can set the alarm clock for school. Okay?" "No." Harry pulls him closer. Niall sighs. "Please?" "No." He wraps his arms around Niall's middle. "Come on babe. We have to get into pajamas anyways." Harry grumbles before sitting up, eyes crossed. Niall taps his nose. "He is cute when he is tired." Liam comments. "Yeah..." Harry litteraly rolls out of bed. He makes an "Oof!" as he hits the floor. Liam is gonna pee his pants he is laughing so hard. I run over to Harry. He seems okay. He rubs his head, getting up. "Ouch." He wispers. Niall smiles, then kisses his forhead. Only I can kiss his forhead leperchan! "Better?" "Yeah." "Good." Niall gets off of the bed, and walks to an alarm clock. He sets it. Harry grabs his bag, and walks to the bathroom. "Babe, I've seen you in your boxers before." Niall points out. What! No! "I have to use the loo. I'm just gonna change while I'm in there." "Oh okay. Wash your hands!" "Always." He walks out of the room. I follow him, but Liam stays with Niall. I cover my eyes as he pees. I may wanna see him naked some day, but I'm not a pervert. I hear the sink turn on, and figure it's clear. He is in just boxers. He has a HAWT bod. No arguments about it. It's perfect execpt for the bruises. I notice that his bracelets are off. His arm is really bad. It's terrible. He dries his hands, and grabs his bag. He sets it on the counter. He opens it, and the first thing I see is the razor blades. He picks them up and sighs. "Not here." He mumbles, before putting them down. He finally finds a pair of plaid pj bottoms. He searches for a shirt, before giving up. "Whatever." He shoves everything back in the bag, and walks to Niall's room. He gets there, glances at his arm reaching for the door, then walks back to the bathroom. He grabs his bracelets and puts them back on. He walks back to Niall's room. He knocks, and the door opens to a boxer wearing Niall. Harry could do so much better. Someone with a body as hot as mine... "Nice Nialler, now put some clothes on before my hormones take over and I jump you." They both smirk. "I could say the same for you." He replies. "At least put some pants on." Harry pleads. "I was getting to it. Calm down. I don't sleep in my boxers. It's way to cold." Harry rolls his eyes. "No it's not. I always sleep in my boxers." "Then do it." "Nah, you're gonna cuddle me and if I get a dream boner or something, it's gonna be super awkward." Liam laughs. "Way to be blunt." Niall says, rolling his eyes. He grabs a pair of pants and a tee shirt and puts them on. They lay down on Niall's bed again. Niall turns the lamp off. "Niall?" "Yeah Harry bear?" What kind of pet name is that? "I'm not tired anymore." "Me either." He turns the light back on. He turns to look at Harry. "Why did I even bother with the pull out bed when I knew you would be begging for cuddles every night like the little cuddle monster you are?" Harry smiles. "So your mum doesn't think we are banging every night." Niall turns pink. "Nice way of saying it." "I know. I have an incredably large vocabulary, there for everything I say sounds highly intelligant." Niall rolls his eyes. "Yes because banging is such a fancy word." "Totally." A comforable silence falls between them. Niall's hand finds it's way to Harry's stomach. He runs his finger along the bruises. He then grabs Harry's hand. Harry smiles and leans in. They snog for what seems like forever. Niall is practically eating his face. That's what it seems like to me anyways. Niall's eyes flick to the braclets. "Are you really gonna sleep them on?" Harry nods. "Why? That can't be comfortable." Harry looks down. "I- I don't want you to see again." He mumbles. "I'm ashamed." Niall pulls him into a hug. Harry starts sobbing a little. SEE WHAT YOU DID! YOU MADE HIM CRY! "Shhh. It's okay. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Don't cry." The tears stop. Harry pulls away from the hug. He sighs and removes the bracelets, he sets them on the night table, and keeps his wrist cuts down. Niall pulls him into another hug, then pulls them both down. They lay holding eachother for awhile, untill Harry leans forward and pecks Niall's lips. "I love you." He wispers. Niall smiles. "I love you to. Now turn around, you're the little spoon." Harry smiles and turns. Niall throws an arm around Harry's waist, and their legs get tangled. Niall shuts off the light. I look at Liam. We make a silent agreement, and start laying on the floor. Then I remember the pull out bed. "Liam?" "Yeah Zayn?" "Why are we sleeping on the floor when there is a bed sitting right there?" Liam thinks. "I don't know. Let's go." We lay on the bed. "You better not sleep cuddle me." He mutters. "If you wake up excited, I won't hesitate to cut your di*k off." I reply. We turn facing oposite directions. He falls asleep. I slowly sit up, and look at Harry and Niall. The last thing I see before going to sleep is Niall's pervert hand sneaking into poor Harry's pants. I'm gonna kill him.

*A/N sorry this is so short. It's pretty much a filler, but I feel that I owe you at least something. The next chapter will most likely be more than a filler.*

Watch Over You (Zarry) *Going Through Major Editing - On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now