The Exam and Acceptance

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Izuku pov

"GO GO GO there's no countdown in a real battle" so i activate black whip to move into the testing site before anyone else and present mic says through the speaker "examine 16523 has already started better get going young students before all the villains are gone" this made everybody run into the testing arena  as i land i put my goggles on to get ready when i see a 1 point, 2 point, and 3 point robot come at me and i use my quirk for the first time since i got OFA and in my right hand there are 3 black whips so i launch them at the robots destroying them i continue through out the arena the arena seeing some new quirks like engines for legs, a belly button laser, etc and i keep destroying villains getting about 55 villain points and also save some other people from getting ambushed by robots 

In the exam room

"Well what do you think of this years applicants" said a bear,mouse, or dog thing said

"well there are some categories we need to look for like combat prowess, judgement, tactical thinking, and remaining calm under pressure" said ectoplasm

"Well lets just see how they react when something colossal appears thats when their true  nature shines" as nezu presses a big red button

Back to the exam field with Izuku      

As i rack up points i see the over examines run i look to see what they're running from a giant robot then i realize thats the fourth faux villain as i start running i hear a voice it was that girl her right leg was caught under some rubble with out hesitation i run over there passing by the boy with glasses as i gave him a look of disapproval. when i get to the girl i lift the rubble off her and try to immobilize the zero pointer with my left hand and get the girl out with my right after i pull her out i activate black whip in my right hand and send my whips to the robots leg and run through the gap of his legs and pull on the legs of the giant robot and make it fall where i'm standing so after i tip it over i deactivate my quirk use black whip in my right to go to the top of the robot then down wrapping it around a pole form the city i pick up the girl and start running when i hear the buzzer and present mic saying "AND THAT'S A WRAP YOU CAN ALL GO HOME YOUR RESULTS WILL BE AT YOUR HOUSES IN A WEEK" after that noise we see recovery girl and she asks if anyone's hurt i wave to her to fix the girls leg recovery girl kissed her forehead and her leg was good as new after that i go get my stuff and walk home. as i leave ua i see a girl with black hair in a ponytail and onyx eyes standing on the side of the entrance when she see's me she jumps and says "oh sorry i was just getting my thoughts together for the exam" i then ask her "um the exam just finished or are you a recommendation student not being rude or anything" she then speaks up and replies " oh yeah i'm a recommendation student my names momo yaoyorozu  and i'm a bit nervous for the exam and i don't know if i will get in" after she said that i say" don't second guess yourself i'm sure you will get in to ua and who knows we might  be in the same class so see ya yaoyorozu"

Momo's pov    

After he says bye i recognize him he was the boy i saw a few times while having fun with my friends he was cleaning the beach i would go and watch him in secret for those whole 10 months i would watch him and i had feelings for him and i forgot to ask his name well maybe we will cross paths in the future but first i must focus on this test to become as hero

Back to izuku pov

After walking back home my mom runs out the kitchen and tackles me into a hug while crying and i ask whats wrong " i'm crying because you went to the entrance exam for ua and i'm so proud of you and i'm sure your dad is too" "don't worry mom i think i did pretty good and hey i might get in besides with dads training engraved into my memory i know i did well" after i say this my mom gets up and i go to the kitchen to see fried rice, chicken skewers, onigiri, and katsudon and my mom says " I've been cooking since you left and i wanted celebrate since we both know you probably got in so tah dah" after she said she could only see me looking at the banquet of food and my mouth watering  and she said to go eat after she said that my body moved and i ate the good food my mom cooked and this was all me and dads favorite things my mom fixed her a plate and after i ate my fill i went to my room and fell asleep realizing i used a lot of energy at the exam and i remembered the girl momo yaoyorozu and i feel like I've seen her somewhere before but i drift off to sleep

OFA DreamScape

I wake up in a a black space when i hear footsteps when i see a familiar figure a tall bald man with a patchy beard wearing the same goggles like me and i then realize who it is and i realize i that have a mouth so when the figure becomes more visible i get a good look and i realize its 


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when he see's me he runs over to me and hugs and he then asks me why am i here and i say  "well i don't know where this place is maybe its a part OFA when he hears my say that" he gets mad and starts scolding me for accepting such a dangerous quirk and i ask why is he here and my dad's says " well i don;t know either so tell me did toshinori give you this quirk why did  you accept it i died to protect you, inko, and toshi also you still got the goggles huh izu" i tell him " i never take them off i put them on when i don't want to look weak and helps me focus and i put your training to use today in the ua entrance exam" my dad then starts crying and that surprises me i have never seen him cry in my life and he says " my boy has grown up so much also he's  becoming a hero also izuku do still remember something i told you before when you were younger" i nod my head and say the words he told " izu let me tell you my motto, try what you can never give up and take chances to defeat the foe and use tricks to be the best and never let emotions get in the away of your judgement" after i repeat what he told i then say " i follow your motto to a T like once there was a sludge villain and my friend bakugo was hostage and for some reason my legs moved and i used what your motto told me to rescue him and get that villain captured and also in the exam i saved a girl from being crushed and i managed to take down the huge robot by making it unbalanced to make it fall backwards and i escape and save the girl" he speaks up " well sounds to me you are already a mini hero also i see you trained for OFA for your quirk but izuku be careful this is a dangerous quirk even though it makes you strong you will meet some horrible people who will want to do some bad things" i tell him don't worry dad i will be careful and use my quirk to be the best hero ever like you" we talk for a while when he tells me " well izuku i gotta go don't worry we will talk again soon just do your best at ua and don't do anything i wouldn't do and also show em whose boss" i nod my head and i wake up blinded from my light i look at my phone realizing i slept till to the next day i see dads goggles and smile i walk out my room to see my mom making breakfast and i go to the couch on go on my phone  

*Time Skip to when izuku when he gets his results*

As i wait for my result i start lifting a dumbbell i bought and as i'm doing that my mom walks out the apartment then right back in crawling in stuttering " i-i-i-izu-zuku the letter ua your results are here" i grab the letter i go in my room close the door open the letter and a small disk come out to display a message and it shows all might and he says " I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION BUT AS YOU MIGHT ALREADY KNOW WITH GREAT POWER COMES A GREAT AMOUNT OF PAPER WORK AND I WILL BE THE NEWEST TEACHER AT UA HIGH ALSO YOUNG BANJO YOU RANKED FIRST IN THE EXAM WITH 55 VILLAIN POINTS AND ALSO THE ZERO POINTER THERE HAVE BEEN MANY TO TRY AND TAKE IT DOWN BUT VERY FEW HAVE SUCCEEDED AND DUE TO THAT WE HAVE RESCUE POINTS AND YOU IZUKU SCORED 90 RESCUE POINTS SO WELCOME YOUNG IZUKU TO UA HIGH" after that the disk shuts off and step out my room with my mom pacing back and forth and i jump for joy and tell her i got into ua she was crying buckets and she hugs me and goes to her meeting as i go call kacchan to tell him he was mad he got second place but his mom called so he had to hang up i put my phone down and see a text from all might to meet up with him at the beach 

Time skip again

I get to dagobah beach and see all might and he congratulates me on getting in we talk and when he goes into his buff form some bystanders saw him and we start running after that i go home and sleep eagerly awaiting my first day of ua 

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