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The villain was taking a lot out of the sturdy buildings that lined the cobbled streets, and Ladybug and Chat Noir had yet to come. They were never this late.

Civilians were panicking at the odd shapes their beloved city was taking on, houses and shops collapsing from their foundations being turned into thin poles.

Until the impossible happened. AT least, to the Parisians' eyes. It was always Ladybug or Chat Noir that showed up first, never this mysterious vigilante. She showed up, seemingly appearing out of thin air to beat this unbeatable villain. She was clad in white, crew neck spandex covered suit, and her mask wasn't much of a mask, more of a second face. The material covered her entire face, mouth, nose, and eyes and everything up to her hairline. There were indentations for the eyes, yet no visible holes for her to see through, the rest of the mask left space between her real face and the suit, allowing her to move more freely under it.

The back was completely uncovered, showing a light olive toned bare back. Three white sashes hung from her waist, with a wider sash hanging around the back. Two twin swords made an X across her back, giving her a warrior-like appearance. Her hair was silvery grey and wavy, and it came down to just below her shoulder blade with darker roots.

Her feet were encased in pointe ballet slippers, pure white. She stood still and tall, an emotionless crime-fighting machine.

The heroine moved swiftly and adeptly, vanquishing the villain in record time. Just as the akuma left the poisoned object, Chat Noir and Ladybug decided to arrive at the scene.

The mysterious lady was already gone, intending to deal with the danger swiftly and unseen.

Little did she know that one Alya Cesaire was filming the entire thing.

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