It's Not Nice To Stalk People . . . Or Shoot At Them

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"Boss, Spider-Man has been spotted in northern Queens."

The bodiless voice of FRIDAY informed Tony, who was working on new Stark Industries technology. The billionaire stopped what he was doing and turned to the hologram that FRIDAY had thrown up, showing the masked vigilante helping an older lady cross the street.

"Ugh. You've got to be kidding me," he mumbled to himself. "He goes off the grid for almost a week, making us look bad, and the first thing he does is help some old lady." Shaking his head, the man got up and started making his way towards the door. "FRIDAY, call the rest of the Avengers. Send them the spiderling's location and tell them to meet me there."

Without waiting for a response, Tony summoned his suit and made his way to the roof of the tower as the Iron Man suit assembled around him. As soon as the suit has fully encompassed the billionaire superhero, he started up the thrusters and shot into the air, heading towards the spider-themed vigilante. 

"Tony. Natasha, Clint, Sam, and I are on our way. Bruce, Wanda, and Bucky are going to be on stand by at the tower. Where are you?" the Captain's voice came through the coms, immediately stepping into the role of leader.

"I'm a couple miles out. You got a plan? Because the last time didn't work out too well," he replied, still against kidnapping the wanna-be hero.

He heard Steve sigh from the other end. "We're going for stealth this time. Talking didn't work, and we still don't want to hurt him, so it would be ideal if Clint could knock him out with a tranq arrow. If that doesn't work, Natasha will go in and knock him out. You, Sam, and I will be back up," Steve explained. "Stay close enough to keep an eye on  him, but keep out of sight."

"Copy that, Captain," Tony said sarcastically. He slowed down a bit and landed on a roof. Down below, he could see the spider dude at a churro stand with the old lady he was helping earlier. The woman bought a churro and then handed it to the hoodie-wearing kid. 

Fury thinks this guy is a threat? Seriously? Tony thought. He still didn't like the idea of basically kidnapping the young masked hero. He looks harmless and seems to just want to do some good. Tony knows that nothing he says will change Fury's mind, so he'll have to settle with making sure the dude stays unharmed as much as possible.

"I've got eyes on the prize," the iron suited superhero informed his team through the comms. 

"Same here," Clint's voice announced in Tony's ear. "I've got a clear shot. Just say the word, Cap."

"Not yet. We don't want to cause a scene," Steve said. "Keep tailing him and wait until he's away from people. Tranqing him in the middle of a crowd would cause too much panic and unwanted attention."

So the team of superheroes continued to watch and follow the spider-guy as he walked the older woman home, having his mask lifted just above his upper lip so that he could eat the churro she had bought him while they walked. Once they separated, the young man shot a web at a nearby building, using it to swing away, seemingly without a destination. They stalked him for a couple of hours, witnessing him getting a kid's cat down from a tree, returning someone's stolen bike, and many other small acts. The hoodie-wearing vigilante seemed to be avoiding getting into a fight since there were a couple of robberies and alley fights that he swung away from. This confused Tony a bit, seeing as he had seen multiple videos on YouTube of the dude stopping bank robberies and muggings with impressive strength and agility. He decided not to dwell on it too much, seeing as they would be able to ask him all of the questions they want very soon.

"Guys, he's dipping into an alleyway," Natasha spoke up after hours of silence through the comms during Spider-Man's patrol. "There doesn't seem to be anyone else around."

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