We all kept doing different punches and breathing techniques until 2:45, practice was over. Everyone went to change and Daniel walked away to Sam.. Johnny and I stood on the steps and he took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you when I got the phone call.. I just didn't wanna make you upset until after class" he said and I nodded.. "it's ok," I said.

He took another deep breath. "So what's going on?" I asked, he avoided contact and I grabbed his arm. "Johnny! What's going on!" I shouted worried.

"It's your mom Harper.." he said and I looked at him confused.. "m-my mom?" I asked, he nodded. "She passed away."

I looked at him As I thought back to my mom.... I can't even remember the last thing I said to her.. then I remembered.

"Yes I do. You broke out family when you'd drink. And you came back to finish it when you told Evan Johnny was my real dad. You left it alone for 16 years why did you bring it up now? Don't talk to me ever again. I hate you"

I looked Johnny in the eyes before breaking down crying.. the last thing I ever said to her was that I hated her.. he just hugged me as I cried.

It physically hurt thinking of her gone, yeah she was shitty to me.. but I didn't expect this.. I always wanted to make things right you know, but I never got too.. and now I really won't get to.

I released myself from Johnnys grip, "her funeral is in Texas next Monday.. your ticket is coming tomorrow and you leave in 2 day, friday." He said and I nodded.

"There were two tickets one for you and hawk but I figured you didn't want him coming." He said, "yeah, I just don't think I'm ready to be around him all over again, yet." I said and Johnny nodded slightly confused.

I mean yeah, I loved Eli but it's just awkward I didn't need him to go to my moms funeral. That's just a slight stretch.

"Uh. Ok. But just know, I'm here for you and I'm so sorry for your loss." He said I nodded as tears rolled down my face, "it's ok.." I said and wiped my tears and walked into the room.

Sam came over and hugged me, "I'm so sorry for your loss Harper. I love you so much and I'm here for you." She said, I nodded and hugged back.

"Thank you Sam.. I appreciate it." I said and Miguel walked over, he wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged me, "I'm so sorry" he said and I nodded.

Thankfully Everyone at karate didn't know except the two adults, Sam and Miguel. I asked them not to say Ab thing and they all nodded agreeing.. finally everyone had left and Miguel and Johnny took my jeep.

Me and Eli sat outside on one of the wooden platforms. "So you wanted to talk?" I asked, he nodded. "I heard you last night." He said.

I looked at him confused, "heard what?" I asked, still talking shakily from crying. "You said you loved me." He said.

I sighed, of course he heard it. "I just want another chance." He said, I sighed.

"How about this." I said and he waited for me to respond, "a fresh start." I said

"We can restart like we just met again" I said and he nodded, "so for now, friends?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. "I am ok with that." He said and hugged me

I decided to not ask him to come to my moms funeral, we were restarting and I needed to get through this alone, we both sat there for a minute hugging before he released me from the hug.

"Let's get you home." He said and we walked to his car driving me to the LaRusso house.

I arrived at the house and started packing, I did all I could to not break down and cry, I know my mom was horrible to me, but still... it hurts so bad..

All I could feel was guilt, last thing I said to her was I hated her, and never wanted to see her again..that's just so horrible, what is wrong with me..

When I finished packing up for leaving in 2 days I laid on my bed and cried myself to sleep, hoping this pain would be better tomorrow..

The next morning Daniel pulled me off to the side, "hey, I'm sorry about your mom, but I found out how she passed and I was wondering if you wanted to know?" He asked.

I nodded acknowledging that I did in fact want to know, I prayed it was a heart attack or car accident or something quick and fast...

"She overdosed." He said, I looked at him with wide eyes and I could feel the tears forming, I was so mad..

"She.. she told me she was gonna get better!" I Cried, Daniel shook his head and pulled me into a hug.. "I'm so sorry kid, you don't deserve this.." he said and I shoved my head into his shoulder crying.

He held me comforting me in a fatherly way, which I needed right now, "I heard you have an extra plane ticket, I think you should bring someone." He said.

Sam got up and walked over, "I'll go with you." She said with a sympathetic smile, I nodded agreeing. "Thanks Sam.." I said sniffling. She nodded and hugged me.

"Of course Harper, I just wanna be there for you.." she said and I nodded.

First part of my makeshift season 4! It's off to a bad start for Harper, but her and Eli agreed to be friends..

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and the ones to come :))

Also sorry if there crappy or horrible I'm just trying to be somewhat creative and make it interesting while making it my own, rather then how the previous chapters have been based off the show, I want this to be my own, so hopefully it's not too bad.

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