
"Yea, and Bailey was backing you up. She told him that you are one of the best and you can't leave. It won't help you. Stuff like that."

"Woah." Meredith sighed as she began to put her hair in a ponytail.

"Yea. You better follow Baileys orders."

"Mer?" Lexie spoke as she came up to them "How's it going?" She asked

"Could be better," Meredith muttered as she began to look through her cubby "How are you?" This time she looked over at Lexie, her focus on her sister in front of her.

"I-I am so glad you and I are working together, let's go find Derek and do rounds." The resident rambled

"But Derek isn't here yet." She told her as she began to get put on her white coat. Knowing well that Derek didn't come in for another hour or so.

"No, he's here. I saw him in the hallway." Meredith looked over at Cristina in confusion, did he lie to her? If so why?

"Oh, okay," Meredith muttered as she looked down at her feet for a moment, then looked back up at Lexie with a small smile on her face. "Then let's get going."

Lexie had followed Meredith as they both walked out of the lounge side by side. Something about Lexie worried Meredith. She kept a mental note in her head to keep an eye on her as well, maybe that was why Bailey wanted the two to be together. Both Meredith and Lexie had gone through equally been through a lot, they'd be able to help each other.

After a few minutes of walking around the neuro wing, they came across just who they were looking for. Derek. He turned around as he heard them approach him at the nurse's station. A smile spread across his face once he saw them. His Eyes sparkling as he stared over at Meredith. Something doesn't seem right.

"Let's get started shall we?" he asked them, looking in-between the women in front of him. Derek had a chart in his hands as he spoke, he moved his head in the direction he wanted them to head in. They followed him as they walked to their first patient's room.

"Doctor Grey do you want to present?" He asked as he handed the chart to Meredith, just before they entered the patient's room. Of course, Meredith nodded, taking the chart in her hands and beginning to read it. Derek then knocked on the door gently and opened the door. "Hi, Mrs. Joleen. I have both doctor Grey's with me today."

"Mrs. Joleen Rocket, age 47. Came into the hospital with acute headaches and nausea. She was prognosed with a tumor in her left temporal lobe. Her surgery is scheduled today at five pm."

"Thank you, Doctor Grey." The patient spoke with a smile written across her face. "Well done.

"Doctor Grey is one of the best surgical residents you'll ever meet," Derek spoke "Both of them are."

"I am in good hands aren't I then? I have a couple of good looking doctors by my side." She told them, she looked between Meredith and Lexie. A smile plastered on her face. "Are you two single? My son needs a girlfriend and I am sure he'd love to meet you two."

"I am taken," Meredith spoke, looking over at Derek. Who was looking back at her, she looked a little un-comfortable over at him. She wanted only Derek and that is it.

"Oh, what a shame. My son is such a great man." She said. Derek cleared his throat, looking over at Meredith with a comforting look. "That man doesn't deserve you."

"He does," Lexie spoke, clearing her throat as she said it. She looked between Derek and Meredith. worried.

Mrs. Rockets ignored Lexie, as the three doctors made their exit and began to make way for their other rounds. The next patients were more neutral and calm. Each patient either had a brain tumor or an aneurysm. They were all going to undergo surgery and Derek was the surgeon to perform them, not Meredith. Lexie and she would have to sit up in the gallery and watch as Derek saved lives. Meredith wanted to do the same, but she had strict rules she had to follow.

It was the second to last surgery of the day and Lexie and Meredith were sitting up in the gallery as Derek performed his brilliant surgery. Oh, how brilliant Derek was. Making Meredith and Lexie watch him perform his many surgeries. The next surgery of the day was Mrs. Rockets, her surgery would be long and painful. Being that the patient had a tumor that had been growing in her temporal lobe.

Meredith and Lexie sat in the OR gallery watching as Derek began to work his magic, performing a difficult surgery to save a life. Lexie sat next to Meredith, you could tell how nervous Lexie was. There is something wrong. They were the only ones in the gallery at that moment. But why? The Gallery is always filled with people during Derek's surgeries.

"Lexie?" Meredith asked, looking over at her sister who looked nervous and worried. Right away, Lexie turned her head toward her. Her focus on Meredith. "Are you alright?" Lexie chuckled, bowing her head a little bit before speaking.

"I am okay, could be better," She muttered, looking back up at her older sister. Who had a concerned look on her face. Meredith sighed, tilting her head in disbelief. "I am...not okay." She spoke sheepishly, knowing Meredith would ask and ask until she spoke the true answer of how she was feeling.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I don't want to talk about it right now." She muttered. So something was wrong. Meredith nodded, knowing well enough not to continue to pry. Lexie would tell her what was wrong at some point, she just wasn't ready yet.

"Okay, I am here if you need anything," Meredith spoke, empathy in her voice. She knew what it was like to have something weighing you down, something that was stuck in her mind like glue.

"I know," She said, nodding her head. Her eye's glossy. " I am here for you too."

Meredith nodded, a smile spread across her face. They both weren't alright and it was okay. They turned their heads toward the surgery, watching as Derek began to dissect the tumor from the patient's brain. After he finished, Derek looked up into the gallery and smiled over at Meredith. Through that mask of his, she could tell that it was a smile. Meredith smiled back and waved.

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