We go to the chapel and we kneel down in a line. We look at each other then we laugh. “ ok guys let’s be serious. ” we laugh again. “ God is not going to take us serious because we are not being serious right now. ” bonga says. “ man I feel weird in here. It’s like God is standing right in front of my face. ” sicelo says looking around the chapel.  “ close your eyes you fools and stop gambling with my wife’s life. ” they get silent. “ uh father God. It is me bonga and my three brothers. The sinners. Uhm God we know we don’t have a relationship with you but we are here to ask you for a favour. We are not mocking you or disrespecting you and we are sorry about laughing just now and all the killing we have done and the killing we are going to do tomorrow. I am not going to lie in your face because you know what we are going to do it. God. Please bring luh back for all of us but especially for her kids and my brother. ”

I open my eyes and look at my brother. He is serious and his hands are tightly entwined together. I do the same then close my eyes again. “ ever since luh came to our lives. my brother has changed for the good. He changed because he found his soulmate and because he loves her and wanted to do anything to make her happy. So bra God please don’t take khanyo away from us because my brother is going to be miserable without her and I do not want that. He promised to kill himself if khanyo doesn’t wake up and I know he will do that. But for our sake God don’t take khanyo away. Her kids needs their mother and our brother needs our wife. She’s not only a light to him only but to all of us too. Thank you God and uhm I hope I made sense amen. ” he says. We say amen and this has got to be the weirdest prayer I have ever heard but I am thankful. “ I feel guilty that when bonga started praying the only thing playing on my mind was sex. ” we look at him like what the fuck sbu? “ yoh these kids will kill me man! sex while praying yoh.” Luh's other aunt says claping her hands once and leaves. We look at her shocked because we thought we we’re alone. We look at each other then laugh. I leave them then go to the room they are keeping her to and she looks like she is in deep sleep. My sleeping beauty looks so beautiful. I love this woman and I will move heaven and earth for her.

I sit down and take her hand. It is soft and delicate. These hands have made me come undone. They have loved me, supported me and most of they have built a warm, loving home for me. “ luh sthandwa sam. ( my love.) I would like to think that you can hear me. I’ve heard about how they always say that when someone is in a coma, you should talk to them because they can hear you so I hope you are hearing me right now. You gave birth to two boys  they are so beautiful and they have your beauty.” I chuckle. “ I can’t have my boys looking like pretty boys because they will get teased at school but the girls will love them. I’m sure of that. I thought that maybe we will have a beautiful girl who will look like you and drive me absolutely crazy but that means we still have to have so much sex until we make her. I do want a mini version of you so she can wrap me around her fingers like you. Come back to us khanyo. There will be no light in our lives without you. I need you and our kids need you more.” He chest is moving up and down. She’s breathing, she’s alive and that’s all that matters to me.

“ we still have a wonderful life to look forward to with our loved ones. I still have to show you the world and…. I promise that when the kids are at least three months old. I am going to take you away from here with our kids. We will come back when they are a year old and we still need to name them. I think dad will name them but I’m not sure. I want us to name them though. I think I’m going crazy and I’m losing my mind. I need you back khanyo. Come back sthandwa sam. Come back to us. ” lay my head next to her body. I continue not talk to her like she’s is with me and she’s listening, laughing and watching me as we talk. Yes. I’ll keep that image in my mind..


I can hear voices, people talking but I’m struggling to hear what they are saying. I want to open my eyes but I cant. I try to lift my head and body but I can’t too cause the feel very heavy. My kids. Where are my kids?. Someone touches my hand and it’s my husband. I try to open my mouth to speak but it feels like it has been shut with glue. He’s talking to me. He’s crying. Mbuso don’t cry I’m still here. I want to comfort him. I try to get up but I can’t. I can’t see anything because it is dark where I’m at. I see a light shining somewhere and somehow I find myself walking towards that light. I see a figure of a person outside and it is sitting down on the beach. I hear the waves and the birds chirping somewhere around. The sun is shining so bright and it is a very lovely weather.