Lost Eyes

187 13 2

Jarrod watched the old man that he unfortunately called boss, as he knocked on the door of the run down little shack of a house, or more commonly known as: Parker Watson’s home.

            The Boss casually scanned the rest of the neighbourhood around him, which was his cue for Jarrod to book it around the side of the house to the back exit. It was an escape hatch for people in these situations. Only this time, the hatch leads to certain capture.

            He cautiously hurried through the wild bushes that had taken over the lawn, and then crept past the side of the house, into the backyard. The place was horrid, with insanely large overgrown weeds, kept like a gnarled jungle. He noted the weeds, and then hurried over to the old porch.

            The back door flung open, letting the tall but scrawny man, scrambling down the porch stairs like a wild animal running from its cage in the zoo. Jarrod wondered if the guy knew that he himself turned the little shabby house into a cage of hiding and captive of the past. 

            He almost wanted to chuckle, but he kept himself in check and remained focused on the task set ahead of him. Jarrod sprinted into the muddy backyard where the hazed man ran ahead.

            As he quietly snuck up behind the mangy person, he realized that it wasn’t much of a man at all. It was only a boy. He was still old enough to take responsibilities of his actions, but still, he must have been barely twenty years old. Anyone could see that, even from his back side. He was so pale and skinny, his old clothes looked much too baggy on him, and his long hair was messed up in greasy strands that stood up at the back.

            He didn’t even see it coming; it was almost comical when the kid finally turned to see him following. The kid then turned back and broke out into a full sprint.

            “Police! Don’t you run from me, boy!” Jarrod barked as he pumped his strong legs, quickly catching up to him.  

            The adrenaline grew. He didn’t always feel as into the case, or the case as he normally should, as usually, he was most passionate about getting it all over with. And he was so close in that moment; the end was so near…

            The twig like person sensed the pounding footsteps growing closer, obviously pumping his legs faster than he ever had before. He looked back, revealing his deer-in-the-headlights expression to Jarrod, and then turning back in attempt to outrun his fate. But it was too late.

            Not even out of breath, Jarrod leapt into the air, and let his body weight soar a great distance before crashing right into the gaunt bag of bones. In seconds he was on the ground, and Jarrod had the petite hands behind his back.

            Jarrod was always pretty impressed with himself whenever he got the chance to pull a stunt such as that. His fiftieth birthday seemed to loom over him, but that didn’t make any difference in his life at all. He pictured himself doing what he does for many more years to come. He grinned with the job well done.

            He then recited the whole ‘you’re under arrest, anything you say can and will be used against you’ speech. That dreaded speech could almost put him to sleep, but he somehow managed.

            The Boss came strolling into the backyard, happily taking charge of the situation. His head was held up high and proud, his bright blue eyes twinkled with satisfaction. Even his thick mousy moustache seemed to dance happily.

            Anytime boss, just give me my break already.

            Nicely done Jerry. I knew this would be done today with your help” he said as he picked up the little man, and guided him along.

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