Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Lena was dragging her feet that Monday morning. She didn’t want to go to school and face the crowds. Last night she and Andy finally made it official and broke up over the phone. She knew she should be heart broken and tearful about the ordeal but she wasn’t. It took a long time to realize Andy wasn’t good for her, he was selfish and cared about his image and the how the girl looked on his arm rather than what the girl felt. She shuddered to remember all the times she dumbed herself down and clung to him like a lifeline without a care for anyone else. It wasn’t fair to the people in her life or herself.

Her feet were heavy not for the awkward run in with her ex-boyfriend but for the awkward run in she might have with Zander. That kiss was still very present in her mind’s eye.

Mel went and talked to him yesterday but Mel wasn’t spilling anything about what they talked about. So now Lena was equally confused the same she was when the damn kiss happened.

With a sigh she left her bedroom to get going before she was late.

It turned out she wasn’t going to have to wait to get to school to have that run in with Zander because he was standing in her kitchen. He was at the counter eating a leftover slice of pizza her mother ordered for dinner last night.

“Hey, princess.” He was asking like everything was normal and she hated him for it.

Mel came running into the kitchen right behind her before she could reply. “You ready to go?” Mel asked her annoying best friend, her words out of breath from literally running right behind her.

Lena cut them both a look and walked away. She wasn’t hungry anymore and whatever game they were trying to play she wasn’t interested. Mel knew damn well she didn’t want to see Zander, she shouldn’t have let him come over but it was no surprise Mel would take his side over hers.

Inside the car she mentally talked herself down from the edge by reminding herself Zander didn’t matter. One mistake didn’t define her life and that’s all it was, the kiss, the talks, and friendship, all a mistake.

At school Karen was in the parking lot and came running to her. “Is it true about you and Andy?”

Lena forced a smile past her lips. “Yup but I’m fine, you don’t have to look at me like that. We both decided our relationship wasn’t going anywhere and it was time to end it.” She stopped short of adding Andy was already seeing other girls.

“Aww, I thought you guys were solid.” Karen frowned. “Now what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to homeroom.”

“You know what I mean. You gotta get out there and find some hot guy and make Andy insanely jealous.” That actually sounded like a good idea. “What about Eric?”

“Eric’s a good friend and I don’t want to mess that up over something petty.” A few weeks ago Lena would’ve jumped all over that idea but in those weeks she came to realize how important Eric’s friendship was over some stupid crush and the fact he didn’t see her the same way helped her thought pattern along. “Plus he and Andy are so close I don’t want that drama. I want to be drama free for awhile.”

“Drama free doesn’t mean boring, right? Sharon is throwing a party tonight.”

“On a Monday night?”

“Yeah, it’s her the weekend is over and it sucks party. You’re coming?”

“Yeah, of course.” Lena offered up another smile before parting ways with her friend. It was high time she got back into normal life and partying was normal, not hiding out in some homemade art studio.

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