Start from the beginning

"Mama, you're up already?" I asked, as she rubbed her drowsy eyes.

"Aww Baby Afeena woke up?" I heard Ibty's voice through the phone.

"Yeah, she just woke up," I replied with a smile, gently adjusting my precious baby girl into my arms, cradling her close to my heart. When she began sulking, I turned to Safeeya. "Feeyah, please fetch her water bottle from the room," I instructed.

"Where are Noorie and Ansar?" Ibty asked.

"Ansar is in his room, and Noorie is taking a nap."

"Okay. By the way, I have some news," Ibty said excitedly.

"I'm all ears," I replied, taking the water bottle from Safeeya.

"Tijjani sent his people to Baba yesterday, and they've set the date for our wedding," Ibty announced.

"Ibty, are you serious?" I asked, my heart leaping with joy.

"Yes, best friend!" she squealed with delight.

"Alhamdulillah, I'm so happy! Ma sha Allah. So, when's the wedding?" I grinned.

"Next month, In shaa Allah," Ibty revealed.

"Okay, Allah ya kaimu. Allah yasanya Alkhairi," I prayed.

"Ameen, Ameen. So, when are you coming?" She inquired.

"I'm not sure yet, but I'll find a day. You know it's not easy now with the twins."

"I understand. But try to find some time, and come."

"In shaa Allah, Ibty. I have to go now; I need to feed Afeena."

"Alright, take care, and send my regards to Abubakar," Ibty said.

"In shaa Allah," we ended the call. After Afeena had finished nursing, I carefully made my way to the kitchen to prepare her formula. Once it was ready, I poured it into her baby bowl, and then returned to the living room.

"Mummy, Aunty has been calling you," Safeeya informed me.

"Hold the phone, I want to feed Afeena," I said to her while settling back on the couch.

"Mama, come to me. Come take your delicious meal," I cooed, reaching out my arms to Afeena, as she crawled up to me.

"Babyn mamanta," I whispered, as I scooped her up into my arms. With Afeena now in my lap, I began to feed her. She eagerly accepted each spoonful of her meal, her small hands reaching out to touch the spoon as if to say, "I can do it myself, Mama."

After I was done feeding Afeena, I called Aunty back.

"Assalamu'alykum," she answered.

"Wa'alykusalam, Aunty. Ina wuni; good afternoon."

"Lafia kalau, Asmau. How's home? How are the kids? And how's Abubakar?"

"They're all fine, Alhamdulillah. How is everyone at home?"

"Everyone is fine, Alhamdulillah. Asmau, have you talked with Salma?"

"No, we haven't talked in a while. What happened? Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Well, Salma has been acting very weird for the past few months."

"Weird as in how, Aunty?"

"She stays more often in her room now, and with every small thing, she gets startled. It's like she's scared of something, and she's always on a phone call with someone. When you ask who it is, she says no one. I'm sure she's hiding something from us."

"But since when has this been happening?" I asked.

"Well, for like some months, I think. I can't remember. Babaji thinks it's because she's still not married yet; maybe it's affecting her, but I don't think it's that."

"No, it's not because of that. I know Ya Salma; marriage is actually the last thing on her mind right now."

"Well, we keep on praying. I'll keep an eye on her, In shaa Allah. You should also try talking to her."

"Okay, Aunty, I will, In shaa Allah."

We bade each other goodbye and ended the call.


"Ring, ring, ring," my phone kept ringing, and with a sigh, I picked it up.

"Hello, who's this?" I asked, my voice tinged with irritation.

"Iman, it's me, Salma," came the hesitant voice on the other end.

"I told you not to call me again, didn't I?" I retorted, my frustration evident.

"I'm sorry, Iman, please don't hang up," she pleaded.

"Okay, what do you want?" I asked.

"Abdul has been disturbing me to give him money, Iman," she confessed, desperately.

"And how's that my problem? I wasn't the one who sent him to kill Layla, right?" I snapped, feeling angry.

"But you know if he gets caught, he's going to mention my name to the police, right? And if I go down, I'm going down with you, I swear" she threatened.

"Are you threatening me?" I asked, my voice low and dangerous.

"What if I am? Look, if you send the money, I will get rid of Abdul, I promise," she added, turning desperate.

"Salma, what's wrong with you? You've started getting used to killing people, right?" I couldn't hide the disgust in my voice.

"Iman, sometimes it's not because you like doing bad, but there are some people that are threats in your life and you really need to get rid of them," she said, her voice shaky.

"I don't like this, but I'll send you the money,"

"Okay. Thank you," she hung up, leaving me in thoughts.

"I don't like where this is going," I whispered to myself, feeling uneasy,

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