A Complicated Life

Start from the beginning

I nodded and walked to Edward and he wrapped me in a hug. He lifted me by my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck as I berries my face in the crook of his neck. "I'll take her to her room" he told Carlisle and Esme. He carried me all the way to my room and mug me on the bed. He started to leave but I grabbed his wrist stopping him. "Stay please" I whispered. He nodded and climbed into bed with me. I rested my head on his chest as he wrapped and arm around my waist and the other hand playing with my hair and held me as I cried myself to sleep.

The next day I woke up to the smell of food. I changed and walked down to the kitchen seeing Esme dishing up food for her. "Here baby eat up, you gotta keep my grand baby fed" she said. "Thanks mama" I said while rubbing my eye. "Are you exited, it's the big day" Alice came in singing with Jasper behind her. "Yeah kid it's not every day that you graduated high school, especially early" Jasper said.

"No, I'm not" I said. "The graduating part yes, but he is in my class, I don't have to go do I" I asked. "Yes you do, you only graduate once" Alice said with a smile. "Says the girl who has graduated, what, ten times already" I said giggling. "There she is, that's what I wanted out of you" Alice said. "Now hurry up so I can dress you up" she said jumping up and down. I nodded and ate.

An hour later I was walking down the stairs with Alice after she was done, as we went to see the rest of the family. "Wow look at you, all grown up" Esme said walking towards me. "I know, it's different" I said as I hugged her. "Your gonna kill it Ash" Rosalind said as she put her hand on my stomach. "Thanks" I said. I started to the door with Esme and Carlisle behind me. "You ready to go kid" Carlisle asked me as we got into the car. "Yeah" I said. I got permission to have Carlisle and Esme at my graduation because they are second parents to me.

We drove all the way to my school and we got out. We walked and met my dad and Jake at the doors. "Hey daddy" I said as I hugged him. "Hey baby, are you ready" he asked and I nodded in response. "This is where I leave you" I said then walked to the rest of the senior class.

Once we were done I was with Esme and Carlisle as dad and Jake came up to us. "Congrats" Jake said hugging me. "Thanks" I responded. "Hey we gotta go home, call or stop by if you need anything" Carlisle said as he kissed my head. "Ok, thanks" I replied. "By baby" Esme whispered as she hugged me. "Hey can I talk to you" dad asked. I looked over to Jake and he nodded in ok.

We went to a quiet hallway as Jake went outside. "Yes daddy" I asked. "Where were you last night, please tell me you weren't with those leaches" he asked. "Yes I was, I went through something and I needed their comfort, in a place where Sam couldn't get to me" I sighed as I rubbed my swollen pregnant stomach. "What happened" he asked concerned. "It's easier if I showed you" I said as I looked to see if anyone was around, and there wasn't. I put my fingers to my head and used my powers to pull out a copy of the memory from last night. I put it into my dads head and stayed silent as he watched last nights events.

I suddenly felt two arms go around my waist and hands rest on my stomach. A kiss was pressed to my neck. I instantly stiffened knowing it was Sam. I moved out of his grasp and went to dad. At that moment dad came out of my memory and glared at Sam who instantly became confused. "What the hell is wrong with you Sam" dad asked.

"What are you talking about" he asked looking at the both of us. Dad looked at me. "Show him" dad said to me. "Daddy no, can we please just go home" I asked. "Just show him sweetheart" dad said softly. I once again look around to make sure no one was here. And I did the same thing again. This time though when I put my fingers to his temple I also looked to what he did last night, after I left.

The door slammed and Sam pulled away and looks around. "Did you hear that" he asked Leah. "No"she said hands roaming his body. "We shouldn't do this, I love Ashley, please leave" Sam said. "Come on Sam you love me, not her" she said and kissed him again. He one again didn't pull away. Then they pulled off the rest of their close on the way to the bedroom. And they had their way with each other.

Once I was out of the memory tears instantly came to my eyes. I backed away and moved behind dad. I grabbed his shoulder and asked if we could leave, but he didn't respond. It was then that I realized that his eyes were glowing red like people who my powers are affecting do. And I realized I was showing him what happened with Sam and Leah after I left.

Once they both came about Sam had tears in his eyes and dads glare became harder. "Stay the hell away from my daughter, you hear me" dad said as he pulled me away and out of the school. We arrived home and I went to my room. I sat on the bed looking at the sealing until I decided that I didn't want to be here. I grabbed a book bag and packed some things that I would need and went out to the front room. "Dad I am going to stay with Carlisle and Esme for a little while, get away from the teenage life drama" I said as I walked out not waiting for a response.

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